Kenai Art Center show transforms threads to art
The show will feature SoHi’s jazz band, swing choir, “several vocal soloists” and a variety of cheesecakes.
This has been the strangest January I can remember, and to hear others, apparently it’s pretty unprecedented.
At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, according to Luke’s Gospel, he essentially fills out his social media profile.
The two members of what the Cordova Daily Times had once called a “popular young couple” began carving out separate lives.
The lunar new year took place Wednesday, Jan. 29.
The “evening of mastery and elegance” is set to begin at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 1.
Seats were filled on Friday for a free — but sold out — “Evening of Traditional Irish Music,” an annual concert hosted both as part… Continue reading
Dave Atcheson will talk where, how to fish in Kenai Peninsula lakes on Feb. 4.
I read in the Bible the Lord’s claim in Revelation, “Behold, I make all things new.”
As Keith McCullagh sailed home from Europe in the spring of 1926, he may have believed himself on top of the world.
This annual dementia is preceded by enough warning signals that some spouses have been known to charter weekend flights to remote Peruvian temples.
New novel tells human story brought to life by ghosts and Russian colonizers.
These little loaves are perfect for eating with one hand while you save yourself with the other.
Local resident Tim Hatfield is a saver of artifacts from Homer’s past
The word, “fight,” usually conjures up aggression and conflict in a negative way.
By this point their lives were beginning to diverge.