I’m sure you’ve all looked back at your lives at some point, thought back on decisions, be it with regret or gratitude, and recognized that… Continue reading
There’s a buzz in the air. It’s the charged energy of early summertime in Alaska. It’s the murmur of fishermen counting their tackle. It’s the… Continue reading
For my family, as for many people on the Kenai Peninsula, growing and harvesting food is a regular part of our lives. We garden, we… Continue reading
“Cowboys use rope; you collected dock line.” Consider it another lesson learned onboard the R/V Island C. And there were many more over the six… Continue reading
Most people do not think about wildfires during the winter months, but the fire management program at the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge is hard at… Continue reading
If you’re a regular visitor to the trails, cabins and campgrounds of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, chances are you’ve seen a cluster of students… Continue reading
The promise of longer days arrived in February, just when I needed it. Lately, my days are filled with the necessary minutia of work, and… Continue reading
Streams that baby salmon live in provide shelter from predators, food and conditions for optimal growth
Having grown up in New England, I am no stranger to cold winters, lots of snow and season-specific outdoor recreational opportunities. Imagine my surprise while… Continue reading
We are Kenai Peninsula residents who reside outside of Homer but would still like to weigh in on the proposed Doyon development plan at the… Continue reading
“It’s very simple. As you grow, you learn more. If you stayed at twenty-two, you’d always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two. Aging… Continue reading
Alaska stands at a critical juncture as Congress debates the future funding of the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. This isn’t just a matter… Continue reading
This past session (2023), the Alaska Legislature approved a one-time funding boost to K-12 public schools for $175 million. The last time the state added… Continue reading
I’m so disappointed in Governor Dunleavy and his actions in governing our state. He has slashed education funding and ignored the base student allocation (bsa)… Continue reading
If you spend any time in the backcountry, it’s bound to happen: an ankle sprain halfway into a day hike; afternoon wind unexpectedly turns a… Continue reading
Whether they were pulling my leg or not, a couple of years ago, my kids started asking me questions like, “Mom, did you have phones… Continue reading
This story starts 2,500 miles southeast as the raven flies from Kenai National Wildlife Refuge to the heart of the Weminuche Wilderness in the southern… Continue reading