Governor’s visit a culmination of the legislative process

Governor Sean Parnell signed 11 bills into law Tuesday during a visit to the Kenai Peninsula. The bills covered a wide range of issues from… Continue reading

  • Jul 12, 2014

The reds are in; dipnetters are on their way

It’s about to get a whole lot more crowded here on the central Kenai Peninsula. The Kenai’s late run of red salmon is hitting the… Continue reading

  • Jul 10, 2014

Rich Lowry: Chicago’s shooting spree

For most of the country, July Fourth weekend means hot dogs, fireworks and relaxing time with family. In certain neighborhoods in Chicago, it means something… Continue reading

  • Jul 9, 2014
  • By Rich Lowry

What others say: A booming economy can solve many problems

Unemployment in the United States fell in June to 6.1 percent from 6.3 percent in May, the lowest rate since the fall of 2008. That’s… Continue reading

  • Jul 9, 2014

Bob Franken: Washington hot dogs

Forget about the World Cup or World Series or even the Super Bowl. The No. 1 competitive sport is the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating contest… Continue reading

  • Jul 8, 2014
  • By Bob Franken

What others say: Old enough to know better, do better

At what age do kids stop acting like kids? According to history, it’s whenever a culture or society says so.A 19-year-old was sentenced to a… Continue reading

  • Jul 8, 2014

Cal Thomas: Constitution ‘central to our way of life’

The cab driver taking me to the Washington Nationals baseball game on July 4 is from Bangladesh. I ask him how he got here. He… Continue reading

  • Jul 7, 2014
  • By Cal Thomas

What others say: Is Baghdad the next Saigon?

If Baghdad is indeed becoming Saigon — a city overrun by opposition and violence after the departure of the U.S. military — Peter Arnett would… Continue reading

  • Jul 7, 2014

A pledge for America

If you pledge allegiance to the flag on a regular basis, you’re probably not part of this country’s problems. But how much are you a… Continue reading

  • Jul 4, 2014

Rich Lowry: Obama’s border crisis

It’s hard to imagine a more apt summation of the lunatic state of the nation’s immigration debate than the split screen over the past week.… Continue reading

  • Jul 6, 2014
  • By Rich Lowry

What others say: Facebook needs to show more respect for its users

Facebook is an extraordinary tool, but its pitfalls have become increasingly apparent. Users’ personal information, interests and habits are all fair game for the company,… Continue reading

  • Jul 6, 2014

Cal Thomas: America’s DNA: ‘The Federalist Papers’

There are many ways to lose freedom — conquering armies, surrendering without a fight. Unfortunately, we are currently surrendering our freedom, not to a foreign… Continue reading

  • Jul 4, 2014
  • By Cal Thomas

Bob Franken: A new Independence Day needed

Let’s be honest. While July Fourth is supposed to be a huge celebration of our nation, this one is a little more complicated. Half of… Continue reading

  • Jul 4, 2014
  • By Bob Franken

We still hold these truths to be self-evident

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and… Continue reading

  • Jul 3, 2014

Rich Lowry: The war on women comes to the Supreme Court

It has long been suspected that the Supreme Court hates women, although it took the court’s 5-4 decision in the Hobby Lobby case to fully… Continue reading

  • Jul 2, 2014
  • By Rich Lowry

What others say: Youth homeless shelter provides vital service

Along with melting snow, spring this year brought the opening of a long-awaited community resource: a shelter aimed at providing housing for the Interior’s homeless… Continue reading

  • Jul 2, 2014

Bob Franken: Hillary: Yes or no?

I’m sure you, too, have been caught up in breathless speculation over whether Hillary Clinton will do the deed and actually run for president. That’s… Continue reading

  • Jul 1, 2014
  • By Bob Franken

What others say: What’s the revenue on a barrel of nothing?

The problem with starting a political campaign with a deception is that eventually it unravels and has to be abandoned or it has to be… Continue reading

  • Jul 1, 2014

Cal Thomas: Our arrogant president

President Obama appears to have forgotten — or ignored — why we have elections. One reason is to stop, or slow down, an agenda the… Continue reading

  • Jun 30, 2014
  • By Cal Thomas

What others say: Senate debate shows meaningful contrasts among contenders

Thursday’s debate between Republican hopefuls for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Sen. Mark Begich was a meaningful kickoff to the body of the… Continue reading

  • Jun 30, 2014