Virginia Walters (Courtesy photo)

Virginia Walters (Courtesy photo)

Life in the Pedestrian Lane: Let’s Eat!

We bit the bullet and drove to Anchorage at the end of March. It was easily a month ahead of our usual first trip north in the spring, but we had an appointment we had put off until nicer weather, so decided we’d better get it done.

The roads were great: completely bare, much to our surprise, even on the Pass, but the roadside berms were so high we couldn’t even see the snow measure stick. There was a little open water at the bridge at Cooper Landing, but the lakes and roadside ponds were still frozen over, and people were exercising their dogs on Potter’s March. So it isn’t really spring yet, but close.

The appointment was directly across the street from Costco, which had to be some kind of serendipity, because we can never get through Anchorage without going to Costco. And of course we saw someone we know from Kenai while there. We said “Hi!” and agreed the road was good but got on with the shopping (Priorities!).

Daughter and S-I-L were on their way home to Hawaii so spent a couple of days with us as they passed through Anchorage. They had been at Healy enjoying the snow and old friends. For some reason unfathomable to me they are moving back to Alaska this summer, to Healy. Daughter has spent many winters there, so knows what they are in for, but S-I-L has only enjoyed the fun and games of spring in the Great White North, so I’m afraid he is in for an unpleasant surprise about January when it is dark and cold and no where to go. But, like the perfect mother-in-law I am, I only told him once he was out of his freaking mind. He took it well, but is still planning the move.

Another thing we do in Anchorage if we are going to be there for any length of time is eat. We took our friends out for dinner the first night to a little Mexican place we go to every time. It has changed names a few times but some of the old crew are still there and they remember us and visit for a few minutes each time. They serve lots of good food and an extraordinary margarita. Needless to say we took home a doggie bag for lunch the next day. (Yea, right!).

Our friend had just gotten a new Belgian waffle maker, so next morning it was Belgian waffles for breakfast with all of the usual breakfast trimmings. Daughter and S-I-L arrived that morning early so they were there too, and we planned the day, which was to go see my Little Sister where we made plans to meet her for lunch (of course) as her day progressed. We met her at a small place out by Merrill Field. Again, an old place renamed a few times. Oriental. We devoted a couple of hours to lunch, again taking home enough leftovers to feed us for days.

Got back to our friends’ for late afternoon and she had prepared a pot roast … leftovers can wait … for dinner. Went to bed stuffed. Thank heaven breakfast next morning was toast and coffee. Homemade bread, though, so we had to have two pieces. Thank heaven the kids came to pick us up to go shopping before we had to have a third piece!

Palmer Sister was coming to town that evening to have dinner with us (naturally) so we planned to cook in at Friend’s kitchen. Easier to visit and better to see everyone. But shopping was for groceries for that endeavor. So off to Costco again, by way of Cabela’s. The Big Island does not have a Cabela’s and S-I-L loves that place so we detoured there for an hour or so of browsing before we picked up that night’s dinner and went out for lunch!

And so it continued. Ribs for dinner with all the side stuff and a decadent bread pudding with ice cream for dessert. Nice visit with Sister and Hubby and they took some of the dinner leftovers home!!

Granddaughter #6, who lives and works in Fairbanks, plays on a adult women’s hockey team there, and they were in Anchorage for a tournament so she called and we met her for breakfast the next morning. We met at a little place on the Old Seward and I settled for tea and a poached egg. Their team had done well the day before … beat Healy, where she learned to play hockey … and they ultimately took the championship. We didn’t stay to see that. Figured we probably couldn’t hold another meal.

The drive home was good. Saw a dog team on the pass, and people playing in the snow. Otherwise it was an uneventful drive. Glad to be home and able to fast for a couple of days!

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