Volunteers make book sale at the Kenai library a success

Friends of Kenai Community Library had a successful book sale at the Kenai Library meeting room Mar 7-13. The Friends greatly appreciate members of the community who bought books at our sale. The funds raised will be used to support special library programs.

Many thanks to the volunteers who worked at the sale and made the sale possible: Nora Satathite, Maryann Dykes, Marj Wiley, Deirdre Wiley, Donna Steele, Lee Tanner, Jane Fuerstenau, Madeline Michaud, Fox Michaud, Eileen Bryson, Margaret Simon, Mary Armstrong, Susan Smalley, Barb Christian, Harriet Seibert, Barbara Schmidt, Kari Mohn and grandchildren Huge Hanson and Hilary Hanson, Connie and Doug Jung, Barb and Dale Sandahl, Yvonne Montgomery and her daughter Stevie, Jean Taylor,Virginia and Frosty Walters, Cliff Heus, and the library staff. A special thank you to Lee and Dee Cassel of the Home Gallery Furniture for storing the books, the use of their van, and members of their staff: George, Martin, and Steve, for loading and delivering the books to the library.

Our sincere appreciation to our community and the volunteers.