Nick Varney

Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Trouble brews with Super Bowl approach

This annual dementia is preceded by enough warning signals that some spouses have been known to charter weekend flights to remote Peruvian temples.


Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: The little tree that could

Each year I receive emails requesting a repeat of a piece I wrote years ago about being away from home on Christmas.


Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: A butthead named Baster

Time now for the Baster saga that took place a few years ago


Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: The Beast

Then it went all Darth Vader.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Memories from the last great non hunt

I’m sure the regulations must be much simpler by now

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Bring it on

It’s now already on the steep downslide of August and we might as well be attending a wake on the beach

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: The rise and demise of the rodent

Husbands can make very rare and somewhat dim-bulb mistakes

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Reeling Em’ In: Cherishing an old fishing friend

Time now for the fishing report for the week of July 15, 2024.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Reeling ‘Em In: Hunting beasts

By the time you read this, lingcod season will be open and I just ran across a draft of a response I sent a reader… Continue reading

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Sometimes it’s not cool to mention heat

Thanks for the joke fest material rolling into our Unhinged Alaska headquarters folks but chill out.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Reeling ‘Em In: Hey fishers, keep up with regulations

What is up with brain stems who seem to be incapable of comprehending simple fishing regulations?

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Sometimes humble pie can taste fishy

I was around back when Chinooks invaded the region like a horde of Genghis Khan Horsemen redlined on 100 proof fermented goat’s milk

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Helpful tips for those contemplating a high seas cruise

It’s not at all unusual being asked by distant relatives if I think it’s safe for them to blow a wad of cash on a cruise to Alaska

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Sometimes they come back

This following historical incident resurfaced during dinner last week when we were matching, “Hey, do you remember when…?” gotchas

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: March madness is not all about basketball

I’m not quite sure why the foreshadowing of intensifying winds and weather chaos maxed me out on the Sourdough Grump Scale but it did

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Hey Boreas. Knock it off. You’re flash freezing my karma

For the last few weeks, we have been hosting Boreas, the Greek god of winter

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Sorry about that column

Each year our massive staff normally sets aside a few columns to reply to inquiries and comments about Unhinged Alaska subject matters. Sadly, they were… Continue reading

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaskas: You are never that far from home

It is a time to express the depth of our affection for each other and to strengthen the bond of family

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Some things never change. Nor should they

In the dawdling days prior to Thanksgiving, things are usually as serene as a gentle snowfall within our modest piece of nirvana

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Uninged Alaska: The dawn of winter

During the Code 3 pursuit, I noticed that I could see my vitriol firing breath which was a signal that the seasonal clock had just struck mid fall

Nick Varney