Resolution 24-088 requests that the Alaska Municipal League take up the issue
The college celebrated its anniversary during its annual open house last week
The candidate filing period closed Thursday, Aug. 15
The Kenai Softball Greenstrip was packed on Saturday, Aug. 17, as hundreds gathered to recognize local industries and also enjoy free food and games. The… Continue reading
House District 8 candidates Elam and Hillyer in close contention
The City of Kenai last month applied for a grant that would provide financial incentives for an air carriers to establish the route
The filing deadline is Aug. 15
Construction might begin at the site as soon as Monday
Members say they’re going to work on a new version of the idea this winter
The resolution says that the proposed borough tax would be “up to” 12%
An ordinance redirecting toward the project unused federal grant funding was approved by the assembly in May
The Voter Turnout Working Group was established to explore options and ideas aimed at increasing voter participation
Department of Transportation holds town hall to report back on winter brine use, collect feedback
The resolution describes a proposed tax of up to 12%
Ordinance 2024-15 sought to combat the lack of affordable, accessible and quality child care in the borough
The budget describes around $178 million in revenue and $180 million in expenditures
The grant program was created to distribute funds received by the borough through three nationwide settlement agreements