It is a right to vote, or not. Our local community elections happen every October; this year it’s Oct. 3. You can also vote in person two weeks prior at the borough building and most city clerk offices.
There won’t be ringing bells two weeks prior or the day before, announcing election day, but maybe there should be. Voting habits are learned; you need to take the time to get familiar with how and where to vote, but most importantly, with who and what is on the ballot. Listen in or attend a candidate forum. KDLL with the Central Kenai League of Women Voters is hosting a series you can link to on their web page
KPV conducts voter outreach where we pass out voter information and talk to people. Last year’s voter turnout on the peninsula was a little over 18%. Here are some of the reasons we hear from people on why they choose not to vote: don’t trust the system; my vote doesn’t matter; my candidate never wins; didn’t know about it; just not that important; I never vote.
One of our members always says “you can’t complain unless you vote,” but this is not enforceable or practical. Election day is one of those days you don’t have to complain, you vote instead.
You may think, well one vote is meaningless. Not true. By voting, you are creating a healthier democracy because you are showing you care and want to make things better for your community.
Casting a vote is a way to address your community concerns. Here are some issues that people have shared with us: affordable and accessible child care; affordable housing; health care; roads (potholes); substance abuse; the cost of living; shortage of workers; crime; and dare we mention the current gravel pit situation.
For who is running in our borough districts go to or call 907-714-VOTE, toll free at 833-796-VOTE. Pick up a Regular Municipal Election Pamphlet with the beautiful photo of an owl on the front at the Borough building or your City Clerk office.
City of Homer elections:; Phone: 907-235-3130
City of Kachemak elections:; Phone: 907-235-8897
City of Kenai elections:; Phone: 907-283-8231
City of Seldovia elections:; Phone: 907-234-7643
City of Seward elections:; Phone: 907-224-4046
City of Soldotna elections:; Phone: 907-262-9107
Listen in or attend a candidate forum.
If you haven’t voted in a while and have questions, contact us at Remember your vote counts and your voice matters!
Kenai Peninsula Votes is a nonpartisan voting group that works to increase voter turnout and help educate voters on what they are voting on.