

Schools briefs for the week of Dec. 9-13, 2019

What’s happening this week.

  • Saturday, December 7, 2019 9:44pm
  • News

Kenai Middle School News

We continue with after-school tutoring this week: Tuesday-Thursday, 2:30-4 p.m.

The First Round of Boroughs is Tuesday, Dec. 10. More info to come!

The Holiday Choir Concert is also on Tuesday at the KCHS Auditorium. The concert begins at 7 p.m. This is a favorite every year, don’t miss it!

The Holiday Band Concert (including all KMS bands) and Dessert Auction is on Wednesday, Dece. 11 and is also at the KCHS Auditorium. The concert begins at 7 p.m. Arrive early to bid on amazing auction desserts!

Saturday, Dec. 14 is the Borough Basketball Tournament in Homer. The tournament begins at 10 a.m. More info will be sent home with athletes later this week. Go Kossacks!

Soldotna High School

The Soldotna High School band, choir, and jazz band will present our Winter Concert on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.

Soldotna girls basketball is hosting their annual Holiday Luau. The event takes place on Dec. 14 from 6-8 p.m. at Soldotna High School. The luau will include authentic Polynesian food and performances as well as a silent auction. Tickets are available now and can be purchased at the door ($20 for adults, $10 for children 12 years and younger). Please contact Kyle McFall at 907-260-7062 for further information.

The after-school tutoring buses will start running on Sept. 3. There are two buses that leave at 4:15 p.m. You must be on the route list to ride the bus. See Ms. Wear in the library to find out more information and/or get on the bus list. You can also email her at twear@kpbsd.org or call 260-7036, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday.

Soldotna Stars Letterman Jackets are available to order at http://www.neffco.com. Click on Varsity Jackets, find our school by State, select Soldotna High School, starting at $149 you can personalize it anyway you would like. Makes a great Christmas gift!

SoHi Pool Schedule

M/W/F Morning Lap 6:30-7:30 a.m.

Sport Calendar — http://www.arbiterlive.com/Teams?entityId=21192 or http://www.asaa365.com/

There are two ways to order a transcript. Each way serves a different purpose.

If you need a transcript sent to a college or NCAA or a similar agency, then you will need to log on to: http://www.parchment.com to order transcripts to be sent. The request is then forwarded to SoHi. After processing, it then goes through cyberspace — rather than the US mail — to get to its destination, which is much faster! ALL transcripts that are headed for NCAA, colleges, etc. have to be processed this way!

FINAL TRANSCRIPTS! A final transcript is one that shows your second semester grades. If you order your transcript when we are in second semester, you will need to make sure you choose “next grading period” when you go on to Parchment — that way your transcript request will wait until the grades are in at the end of the year before it is sent.

Nikiski North Star Elementary

NNS will be having holiday concerts this week. The first concert will be for first and second graders on Tuesday, Dec. 10. This performance will be held at Nikiski Middle High School beginning at 6 p.m. in the auditorium. Performers are asked to arrive by 5:45 p.m. The second concert will be for Kindergarten on Thursday, Dec. 12 in the NNS school gym at 6 p.m. Please have your kindergartner arrive by 5:45 p.m. Also, the NNS choir and concert band will perform in the gym at 6:30 p.m. This will be a wonderful evening of holiday entertainment!

NNS is focusing on developing literacy and a love of reading in our students. We will be working with NMHS and North Peninsula Recreation to build Little Lending Libraries that can be placed throughout our community. This is a project that needs community support. If you would like to join the reading committee, the next meeting will be held on Jan. 22 at 3:45 p.m. at NNS. All are welcome! #NikiskiReads

Please remember to send your child to school with warm winter gear for outside recess. KPBSD policy states that recess will take place outside until the temperature drops below -10 degrees.

Remember to check the lost and found. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science

The Life Skill we are focusing on this week is Initiative — To do something, of one’s own free will, because it needs to be done.

Our annual Christmas Drive is in full swing. Ornaments are up in the front office window that need adopting if you would like to help out a family in need, or if you would like to make a cash donation see the office.

The Student Councils Canned Food Drive is going on, please bring in any nonperishable items to help us reach are 1,000 item goal by Dec. 13!

We are currently accepting lottery applications for the 2020/2021 school year. The deadline for this application is Feb. 28, 2020. If you are interested in attending Kaleidoscope please contact the office for more information at 283-0804.

Brrrr! It looks like the winter weather has found us! Kindly send your child in with gear appropriate for the weather. Also, to ensure gear makes it home LABEL all gear, including; jackets, gloves, hats, snow pants, boots.

Student Holiday Penguin Shop is open Monday-Friday, Dec. 9-13 from 6-7 p.m.

Conscious Discipline, Surviving and Thriving Through the Holiday Season — Mrs. Atchley will be giving strategies on helping parents and children to self-regulate and problem solve throughout the holiday season. Cookie decorating and craft activities will be in the gym for all children. We hope to see our Kaleidoscope families at this fun event.

Christmas Drive Items are due to the office by 4 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12

First and second grade End of Quarter Celebration of Learning at 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 13.

Upcoming Events

Dec. 17: 9:15 a.m., first-fifth grade will be going over to KCHS for Holiday Concert Rehearsal; 6 p.m., first-fifth grade Holiday Concert at KCHS; 10:45 a.m. Boersma’s Class is going to Charis Place; 1:15 p.m. Zinszer’s Class is going to Charis Place.

Dec. 18: Third and fourth grade Celebration of Learning at 3 p.m.

Dec. 19: Kindergarten Cookie Sharing at 2:45 p.m.

Dec. 20-Jan. 6: No School, Winter Break

Jan.y 8: 4:15 p.m. APC meeting

Jan. 15: Early Release Day, school dismisses at 2:10 p.m.

Fourth and fifth grade beginning and advanced band students and parents are invited to an informational meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 5 p.m. Mrs. Biggs will be on hand to answer questions, discuss practice times and explain an outline of the program.


Study trips are already scheduled so watch for student permission forms. If you’d like to volunteer on a trip, you need to be an approved volunteer. Two steps are required each school year to be approved. Go to http://kaleidoscope.blogs.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/wpmu/volunteers and click the link to the background check. This may take two weeks for approval to be returned. The KSAS volunteer training is our second step, please see the office for information regarding this process.

K-Beach Elementary

Mr. Daniels’s class is participating in “Mystery Meetings” with classrooms in Canada and the U.S. The goal of the meetings is to ask yes or no questions to each other to find out where they live. Using deductive reasoning, students narrow in on the location of the other classroom. Once there location is known, students get to know each other through casual conversation and questioning. Students learn mapping skills, online and conversation etiquette, and uses of technology.

Soldotna Elementary

Dec. 2-13: Christmas Kindness Food Drive

Dec. 10: Parent PACK meeting 3:40 p.m. in the library

Dec. 16: Winter Concert (K-sixth grade) and Cookie Train 6:30 p.m. at Soldotna High School

Parent Pack needs your help! Sign-up for email communications or like the Parent Pack on Facebook for up-to-date volunteer opportunities.

Weather Reminder: Please ensure that children have appropriate gear for the weather. Students will attend periods of outdoor activity every day.


Dates To Remember:

Dec. 9: SEWARD: Hour of Code 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Dec. 10: SEWARD: Hour of Code 10-11 a.m.

Dec. 10: HOMER: Paper Circuits Project: Light Up House

Dec. 10: SOLDOTNA: Open Gym at Kenai Rec Center 12-2 p.m.

Dec. 12: HOMER: STEAM Challenge Paper Roller Coasters Final

Dec. 13: SOLDOTNA: Holiday Fun!

Dec. 13: Semester Reports Due

Dec. 16: SEWARD: Holiday Fun in the Seward Connections Office! There will be two gathering sessions. 10-11:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. Keep your eye out for more fun details! Food and fun to be had by all!

Dec. 17: SOLDOTNA: Open Gym at Kenai Rec Center 12-2 p.m. NO ADVISORS AVAILABLE but the gym will still be open

Dec. 18: SOLDOTNA: Food Bank Christmas Dinner Hosted By Connections, call the office to help volunteer!

Dec. 18: HOMER: Paper Circuits Project: Light Up Greeting Cards



Jan. 31: Geography Bee at Soldotna Office 1 p.m.; grades 4-8

May 4: Kenai Fjords Marine Science Explorer Tour — Please Contact Julie Lindquist for more details jlindquist@kpbsd.org or (907) 224-9035

Soldotna Office — Kenai Recreation Center gym time every Tuesday from 12-2 p.m.

Homer Office — SPARC activities every Wednesday from 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Questions on any events please call the offices: Homer: 226-1880; Seward: 224-9035; Soldotna: 714-8880


Check out our new link for Connections events! These are community events that Connections students may be interested in!

Central Peninsula: https://padlet.com/connectionskpbsd/lz7z7ea4ii7w

Homer: https://padlet.com/dbynagle/HomerConnections

Seward: https://padlet.com/lhaskins1/SewardConnections

Mountain View Elementary

“The Polar Pals Gift Shop” will be open Tuesday, Dec. 10-Friday, Dec. 13 in the library. This is a program hosted by the PTA to allow students to shop for inexpensive Christmas gifts for family and friends. If you would like to volunteer to help students shop please call the office at 283-8600 to schedule a time. Volunteers need to have completed a background check through the school district.

It is not too late to help a family in need during this holiday season. If you would be able to donate anything from a pair of gloves, a hat, a turkey, or a complete holiday meal, please drop your donation off at the office or call Kimb at 283-8600 before Wednesday, Dec. 11. Your contribution would be very much appreciated!

The primary winter concert for all first, second and third grade students will be on Monday, Dec. 16 at 6 p.m. in the Renee C. Henderson auditorium at Kenai Central High School. Students need to be at KCHS at 5:45 p.m.

The fifth grade band concert will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 6 p.m. in the gym at Mountain View.

Winter break is Dec. 21-Jan. 6. Students return to school on Tuesday, Jan. 7.

Skyview Middle School

Last week of Basketball: Tuesday, Dec. 10 — First Round of Borough Tournament, TBA; Saturday, Dec. 14 — Finals of Borough Tournament in Homer, 10 a.m.

The Winter Band and Choir Concert is Thursday, Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. in the Skyview Middle School Commons.

SKYVIEW HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE! The Panther Student Council will be collecting nonperishable food items from Friday, Dec. 6-Wednesday, Dec. 18 to benefit the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank. Donations can be dropped off in the bin at the front office, delivered to Mrs. Pothast classroom or brought to the Winter Band and Choir Concert on Dec. 12. Please help Skyview help those in need this holiday season!

Congratulations to the November Students of the Month!

Kael Aamodt, Michael Akins, Layla Allain, Dalton Armstrong, Andrew Arthur, Angel Bannach, Autumn Bass, Angelina Beck, Nolan Boehme, Zach Bouschor, Haven Bower, Montana Bowman, Reagan Briggs, Aiden Broggi, Jay Brott, Joseph Brown, Miranda Brown, Evelyn Brown, Ryan Buchanan, Annie Burns, James Bush, Kenneth Bush, Nicolas Calhoun, Ariana Cannava, George Carpenter, Alina Carrillo Kompkoff, Mackenzie Carson, Noble Cassidy, Suwannee Chapman, Angelina Chavarria, Avery Ciufo, Shyla Clark, Alexis Cole, Donovan Cole, Patrick Collinson, Kobe Curry, Nels Dahl, Emily Day, Evan Derzab, Kiona Dexter, Daniela Dimitrovski, Hayden Eck, Erin Einerson, Ashlee Fann, Kaitlyn Farmer, Danica Farrar, Blake Ferreira, Bladen Finch, Shaun Firmin, Kadyn Fisher, Tyler Fisher, Kiara Forkner, Richard Franco, Ella Frasher, Dylan Gardner, Bella Gares, Easton Gentry, Izaiah Gilbert, AnnaMae Gilliam, Terryn Gomez, Michael Grimm, Taylor Guilliam, Marcus Hagedorn, Joshua Hancock, Owen Hart, Logan Hart, Cash Hartley, Nathan Hawkins, Vincent Heath, Philip Henry, Lydia Hopper, Rebekah Hudson, Marcus Hunt, Regan Hunt, Emma Hunter, Josias Iraheta Sorto, Samantha Ivey, Anika Jedlicka, Elijah Jedlicki, Vincint Johnston, Derrick Jones, Brenden Jones, Josie Josephson, Jocelyn Kampstra, Conner Kniceley Johns, Sadie Lane, Aben Larson, Mercedes Leadens, Elijah Lee, Alexandra Lee, Charles Leggett, Boyd Lehmberg, Addison Lewis, Hudson Link, Deighton Luck, Colby Lund Strength, Alexis Martinez, Kaytlin McAnelly, Caleb McCoy, Alyssa McDonald, Jazzalyn McDonald, Taylor McNeel, Emma Medina, Levi Mickelson, Stefany Montague, Jacoby Moore, Keeley Moore, Grayden Musgrave, Kiya Newcomb, Kevin Otero Cruz, Ellee Pancoast, Owen Pattock, Collin Peck, Vann Poage, Scott Powell, Max Reese, Pyper Reger, Grace Richmond, Valentino Rigutto, Jolene Riske, Allehya Roberts, Meg Roberts, Emilia Rodriguez, Parker Rose, Kendra Rose, Madelyn Ross, Aubree Schneider, Chloe See, Mandi Sisley, Raven Smith, Lillian Smith, Thornton Smith, Brekkin Sproul, Brooklyn Stewart, Hailey Stonecipher, Adele Tacey, Brenden Theel, Cody Thompson, Rylie Thompson, Ala Tuisaula, Joey VanHeeder, Lucas Walsh, Madison Watson, Jennifer Webster, Abriella Werner, Xavier West, Destiney Wheeler, Caitlynne White, Megan Whittom, Haiden Wilkinson, Matthias Williams, Laylani Williams, Lorenzo Wilson, Danika Winslow, Kaitlyn Wolfe, Lokeni Wong, Juanita Wood, Julene Yager, Hannah Zichko

Nikiski Middle/High School

Tuesday, Dec. 10: Middle School Basketball Boroughs at Nikiski — 4 p.m.

Thursday, Dec. 13: High School Wrestling Regions at Redington

Friday, Dec. 14: High School Wrestling Regions at Redington; Middle School Basketball Boroughs at Homer

Tuesday, Dec. 17: Winter Concert, 7 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 21- Tuesday, Dec. 7: Winter Break — NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

Order your yearbook now at Josten.com. The price is $50 now, but will go up in January.

Congratulations to Cecily Quiner, the Kenai Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month for December!

Many thanks to Mr. Shaylon Cochran who braved the snowstorm last week to present to Nikiski students about his work as a radio news reporter! Mr. Cochran shared the joy and freedom he experiences reporting on stories all across the peninsula. He said that while you won’t get rich working in public radio, it is an awesome opportunity to connect with your community and make a difference locally and sometimes even nation-wide! Thank you, Mr. Cochran!

Soldotna Montessori

December Events

Dec. 10: Craft Night, APC Meeting @ 5:30

Dec. 12 and 13: Holiday Shoppe

Dec. 17: Winter Concert and Cookie Train

Dec. 20: P.Js and pancakes along with caroling

Dec. 22-January 6, winter break

Read a full report back from Montessori fifth graders in page C4.

Cook Inlet Academy

We had a snow day Monday but all is well now.

Attention all CIA students. Every year the National Honor Society at CIA gives gifts to the residents at Charis Place Assisted Living. Please help us make their Christmas a special one, as this will be the only gifts some of them will receive all year. There will be a tree in the commons that will have ornaments on it with a list of gifts a resident wants on the back. Students are to tear the present shaped paper from the ornament (leaving the ornament still hanging) to get the list. Make sure to place the tag on the present once it is wrapped. All elementary students need to pick an ornament with an adult. All wrapped presents need to be turned in to the office NO LATER than Dec. 16.

The date of our Christmas Program is changed due to some unforeseen conflicts. Instead of Monday, Dec. 16 the new date is Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 6 p.m. It’s one day later.

Next week is our last full week of school and then the second quarter and first semester come to an end. The school year will be half over. Please encourage your students to stay on top of grades and assignments.

There is a school board meeting Monday, Dec. 9 at 5:30.

The last day of school will be Dec. 18 and students will be released at noon.

Don’t forget we will have some great basketball action here December 19-21 at the CIA Classic. This varsity tournament is our kick off of the season. There are many volunteer opportunities and it’s always a fun time.

Be safe and enjoy the Christmas Season.

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The logo for South Peninsula Hospital. Homer News file photo.
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