Court reports for Dec. 4, 2019

Court reports for Dec. 4, 2019

Read the latest reports.

The following judgments were recently handed down in Kenai District Court:

Justin Rowe Hart, 38, address unknown, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance, committed Dec. 17, 2018. He was fined $500, a $50 court surcharge, and a $50 jail surcharge. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Mikel James Hathaway, 23, of Kasilof, pleaded guilty to driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended, committed Oct. 5. He was fined $1,000 with $500 suspended, a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered not to drive without a valid license and insurance, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Garrett C. Tikka, 27, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed July 11, 2018. He was sentenced to 120 days in jail with 100 days suspended, fined $4,000 with $1,000 suspended, a $150 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $1,467 cost of imprisonment, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for one year, ordered ignition interlock for 12 months, ordered not to possess, consume or buy alcohol for two years, and placed on probation for two years.

Dawnielle K. Selerup, 28, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of fourth-degree theft and one count of violating conditions of release for a misdemeanor, committed Aug. 21. On count one, she was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and placed on probation for 12 months. On count two, she was placed on probation for 12 months, concurrent with probation in count one.

Dawnielle K. Selerup, 28, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to fifth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance, committed Aug. 22. She was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and placed on probation for 12 months, concurrent with probation time in another case. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Stephanie L. Bishop, 30, of Sterling, pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises), committed Aug 4, 2018. She was fined $150 and a $50 court surcharge.. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Cameron M. Harvey, 27, of Kasilof, pleaded guilty to driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended, committed July 14. He was sentenced to 10 days in jail and fined a $100 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge.

Travis Gene Herrick, 35, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of fourth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance, committed Apr. 30. He was sentenced to 360 days in jail with all but time served suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendations, and was placed on probation for 12 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Travis Gene Herrick, 35, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to violating condition of release, committed July 25. He was sentenced to five days in jail and fined a $100 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge.

Aaron John McDowell, 54, address unknown, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of attempted third-degree misconduct involving weapons, committed Aug. 20, 2017. He was fined a $50 court surcharge, forfeited handguns, and was placed on probation for 12 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Corey A. Olympic, 25, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to two counts of amended charges of fourth-degree assault (recklessly injure), committed Oct. 1, and one count of violating condition of release for a felony, committed Nov. 21. On count one, he was sentenced to 180 days in jail with all but time served suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered not to consume or buy alcohol for 12 months, ordered to complete a domestic violence intervention program or an anger management program, and placed on probation for 12 months. On count two, he was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 180 days suspended, ordered not to buy or consume alcohol for 12 months, ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendations, and placed on probation for 12 months. On count three, he was sentenced to one day in jail.

Corey Olympic, 25, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to violating condition of release for a felony, committed Oct. 14. He was sentenced to 10 days in jail with 10 days suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered not to consume or buy alcohol for 12 month, ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendations, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Adam John Adams, 55, of Sterling, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed June 5. He was sentenced to 45 days on electronic monitoring with 40 days suspended, fined $3,000 with $1,500 suspended, a $150 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $66 for the first three days plus $14 for each additional day of monitoring ordered, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, and placed on probation for one year.

Joel Amaral, 55, of Woodburn, Oregon, pleaded guilty to not having name and signature on fishing ticket, committed June 22. He was fined $2,000 with $1,000 suspended and a $100 court surcharge and placed on probation until Oct. 14, 2021.

Brian Lee Andry, 27, of Nikiski, pleaded guilty to no motor vehicle liability insurance, committed Sept. 22. He was fined $500 and a $50 court surcharge.

Marco Antonio Baralas, 39, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of third-degree theft, committed July 12. He was fined $2,000 with $1,000 suspended, a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay restitution, ordered to have no contact with Sportsman’s Warehouse, and placed on probation for 24 months.

Sharon Barraclough, 31, of Anchorage, pleaded guilty to improper use of registration, title or plates, committed Sept. 28. He was fined $150 and a $100 court surcharge.

Tyler Douglas Barrickman, 26, of Clam Gulch, pleaded guilty to one count of an amended charge of attempted first-degree vehicle theft and one count of fifth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance, committed Sept. 6. On count one, he was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 90 days suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendations, ordered to pay restitution, forfeited items seized, and placed on probation for 24 months. On count two, he was fined $1,000 with $500 suspended, sentenced to 90 days in jail with all but time served suspended, ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendations, forfeited items seized, and placed on probation for 24 months, concurrent with count one.

Lief C. Bosdell, 21, of Anchorage, pleaded guilty to false information or report, committed Dec. 28, 2018. He was fined $500 with $250 suspended, a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and placed on probation for 12 months.

Beau E. Brown, 35, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed Aug. 1, 2018. He was sentenced to 30 days on electronic monitoring with 27 days suspended, fined $2,000 with $500 suspended, a $75 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $66 for the first three days plus $14 for each additional day of monitoring ordered, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, and placed on probation for one year.

Juett Lynwood Cook, 25, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of violating conditions of release for a misdemeanor and one count of resisting or interfering with arrest, committed Oct. 15. On count one, Cook was fined $150, a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and placed on probation for 12 months. On the count of resisting or interfering with arrest, Cook was sentenced to 50 days in jail with 45 days suspended and placed on probation for 12 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Sofia Nana Costales, 36, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree theft, committee Mar. 10. She was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay restitution, ordered to have no contact with Lea’s Boutique, and placed on probation for 12 months, concurrent with probation time in another case. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Sofia N. Costales, 36, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to third-degree theft, committed Aug. 20. She was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay restitution, ordered to have no contact with Kenai Safeway, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Sofia Nana Costales, 36, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of fourth-degree assault (recklessly injure), committed Oct. 5. She was sentenced to 60 days in jail, credited for time served, and fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Jamie Doleman, 36, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of disorderly conduct (challenge to fight) and one count of second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises), committed Sept. 19. On count one, he was fined $150, a $100 court surcharge, and a $50 jail surcharge. On count two, he was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered not to return to Central Peninsula General Hospital unless for an emergency or a pre-arranged appointment, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Talofa K. Eli, 34, address unknown, pleaded guilty to first-degree criminal trespass (in a dwelling), committed Sept. 25. Eli was sentenced to 220 days in jail with all but time served suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, forfeited all items seized, and placed on probation for 24 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Daniel Aaron Evans, 23, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended, committed Sept. 5. He was fined $500 and a $100 court surcharge and placed on probation for 12 months.

Sebastian Raymond Farnam, 22, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of disorderly conduct (creating a hazardous condition), committed May 24. He was fined $250 and a $100 court surcharge and forfeited items seized.

Sebastian Farnam, 22, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed July 22. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail with 27 days suspended, fined $2,000 with $500 suspended, a $150 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $330 cost of imprisonment, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, forfeited items seized, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Sebastian Farnam, 22, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of an amended charge of first-degree criminal trespass (in a dwelling) and one count of violating conditions of release for a misdemeanor, committed Sept. 17. On count one, he was sentenced to 330 days in jail with 300 days suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendations, ordered to pay restitution, forfeited items seized, and placed on probation for 36 months. On the count of violating conditions of release, he was ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendations and placed on probation for 36 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Denise Effie Gilliam, 32, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to driving while license cancelled, revoked for suspended, committed Sept. 12. She was fined $1,000 with $500 suspended, a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Richard Wayne Heath, Jr., 39, of Soldotna, was found guilty of driving under the influence, committed Mar. 2. He was sentenced to 90 days on electronic monitoring with 87 days suspended, fined $2,000 with $500 suspended, a $150 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $66 for the first three days of monitoring ordered, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Marcia A. Henderson, 51, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed Nov. 1. She was sentenced to 270 days in jail with 210 days suspended, fined $5,000 with $1,000 suspended, a $150 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $2,000 cost of imprisonment, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had her license revoked for three years, ordered ignition interlock for 18 months, ordered not to possess, consume or buy alcohol for five years, and placed on probation for five years. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Laura Cristine Hinz, 32, of Soldotna, was found not guilty of one count of fourth-degree assault (recklessly injure), guilty of one count of fifth-degree criminal mischief, guilty of one count of violating condition of release, not guilty of one count of disorderly conduct (creating a hazardous condition), and guilty of one count of fourth-degree assault (causing fear of injury), committed Mar. 13. On the count of fifth-degree criminal mischief, she was ordered not to consume or buy alcohol for 12 months, ordered to complete 25 hours of community work service, ordered to pay restitution, ordered to have no contact with victim, and placed on probation for 12 months. On the count of violating condition of release, she was ordered not to consume or buy alcohol for 12 months and placed on probation for 12 months. On the count of fourth-degree assault, she was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 150 days suspended, credited for electronic monitoring, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered no to consume or buy alcohol for 36 months, ordered to follow through with substance abuse treatment, and placed on probation for 36 months.

Sarah Krista Kirk, 30, of Palmer, pleaded guilty to one count of fourth-degree assault (causing fear of injury) and one count of resisting or interfering with arrest, committed June 8. On count one, she was sentenced to 60 days in jail with all but time served suspended, fined $500, a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered not to consume or buy alcohol for 12 months, ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendations, ordered to have no contact with a specifically named person or with Alaska Roadhouse Bar, and was placed on probation for 12 months. On the count of resisting or interfering with arrest, she was concurrently ordered to comply with all the conditions ordered in count one and was placed on probation for 12 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Sarah Krista Kirk, 30, of Palmer, pleaded guilty to violating condition of release, committed June 14. She was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to comply with the conditions ordered in the June 8 case, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Debra Ann Koble, 56, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed Aug. 7. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 87 days suspended, fined $2,000 with $500 suspended, a $150 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $330 cost of imprisonment, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had her license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, ordered not to possess, consume or buy alcohol for one year, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Jason Michael Koontz, 18, of Kasilof, pleaded guilty to sixth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance, committed Sept. 11. He was fined a $100 court surcharge, forfeited all items seized, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Tyler Craig Lewis, 33, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of third-degree theft, committed June 9. He was sentenced to 360 days in jail with all but time served suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay restitution, forfeited all items seized, ordered to have no contact with a specifically named person or with Froso’s Restaurant, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Joshua Michael Ley, 36, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended, committed Sept. 12. He was placed on probation for 12 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Ronald Maffin, 40, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to improper use of registration, title or plates, committed Apr. 30. He was fined $500 and a $100 court surcharge.

Jason Ray McKenna, 28, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to fifth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance, committed Oct. 14. He was fined $500 with $250 suspended, a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended,, forfeited all items seized, ordered not to possess controlled substances without a valid prescription and kept in their original containers, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

James Medina, 37, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree misconduct involving weapons, committed Aug. 13. He was fined a $100 court surcharge, forfeited all items seized, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Kayle Meyer, 35, of Nikiski, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of second-degree harassment, committed July 26. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail with all but time served suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, may have contact with a specifically named person only as permitted at the guardian’s discretion, ordered to complete a practical positive parenting class, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Rachel Marie Moody, 36, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to no motor vehicle liability insurance, committed Feb. 3. She was fined $500 and a $100 court surcharge.

Kevin A. Moore, 42, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal trespass, committed May 12. He was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to have no contact with specifically named people or with Kenai Safeway or Maverick Saloon, may only have contact with Peninsula Community Health Center with a valid appointment and not longer than 15 minutes before and after appointment, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Kevin Andrew Moore, 42, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to first-degree harassment (offensive contact with fluids), committed Aug. 5. He was fined a $100 court surcharge, ordered to comply with the court ordered conditions in the May 12 case, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Kevin Andrew Moore, 42, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises) and one count of violating conditions of release for a misdemeanor, committed Sept. 12. On count one, he was placed on probation for 12 months and ordered to comply with the conditions in the May 12 case. On count two, he was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to comply with the court ordered conditions in the May 12 case, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Oscar Clarence Nelund, 32, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of driving while license cancelled, revoked for suspended, committed July 17. He was fined $300.

Andrew Herbert Oldenburg, 48, of Sterling, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed Aug. 27. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 87 days suspended, credited for time served, fined $2,000 with $500 suspended, a $150 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $330 cost of imprisonment, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, and placed on probation for one year.

Andrew Herbert Oldenburg, 48, of Sterling, pleaded guilty to one count of an amended charge of driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended and one count of no motor vehicle liability insurance, committed Sept. 9. On count one, he was fined $500 and a $20 court surcharge. On count two, he was fined $500, a $100 court surcharge, and a $50 jail surcharge. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Andrew Oldenburg, 48, of Sterling, pleaded guilty to violating conditions of release for a misdemeanor, committed Sept. 10. he was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to comply with all conditions ordered in the Aug. 27 case, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Marshall David Payton, 54, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of driving while license cancelled, revoked for suspended and one count of no motor liability insurance, committed Oct. 26. On count one, he was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, had his license suspended for 90 days, and placed on probation for 24 months. On count two, he was fined $500.

Anthony Martin Peterson, 33, of Fairbanks, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed Aug. 31. He was sentenced to 150 days in jail with 130 days suspended, fined $4,000 with $1,000 suspended, a $150 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $1,467 cost of imprisonment, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for one year, ordered ignition interlock for 12 months, ordered not to possess, consume or buy alcohol for two years, and placed on probation for two years.

Walter K. Petla-Moore, 25, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree misconduct involving weapons (possession while intoxicated), committed Aug. 3. He was fined $2,000 with $1,500 suspended, a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered not to consume or buy alcohol for 12 months, forfeited the firearm, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Dawnielle Katherine Selerup, 28, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of second-degree harassment, committed May 30. She was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendation, ordered not to possess controlled substances unless validly prescribed, ordered to have no contact with a specifically named person and with another person only as requested by that person, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Dawnielle K. Selerup, 28, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to unlawful contact, a domestic violence offense committed Aug. 19. She was sentenced to 180 days in jail with all but time served suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, and placed on probation for 12 months, concurrent with probation time in another case. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Dawnielle K. Selerup, 28, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to violating conditions of release for a misdemeanor, committed Sept. 21. She was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and placed on probation for 12 months, concurrent with probation time in another case.

Randall Frank Self, 28, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to one count of fourth-degree assault (recklessly injure), committed May 10. He was sentenced to 360 days in jail with all but time served suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to have no contact with two specifically named people, ordered not to possess any weapons, and placed on probation for 36 months. All other charges in this case were suspended.

Chad Walter Shields, 47, of Nikiski, pleaded guilty to driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended, committed Oct. 12. He was fined a $100 court surcharge, had his license revoked for 90 days, and was placed on probation for 24 months.

Christopher Stroh, 34, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises) and one count of fifth-degree criminal mischief, committed Sept. 10. On count one, he was sentenced to 90 days in jail with all but time served suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay restitution, ordered to have no contact with victims or with the Alaska Court System Kenai property unless for a hearing for himself or a hearing open to the public, and was placed on probation for 12 months. On count two, he was ordered to comply with the conditions ordered in count one and was placed on probation for 12 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Christopher Stroh, 35, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of violating conditions of release for a misdemeanor, one count of fifth-degree misconduct involving weapons, carrying a concealed weapon and failure to inform officer, and one count of second-degree trespass (upon premises), committed Sept. 19. On the count of violating conditions of release, he was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to comply with the court-ordered conditions in the Sept. 10 case, and placed on probation for 12 months. On the count of fifth-degree misconduct involving weapons, he was ordered to comply with the conditions ordered in count one and was placed on probation for 12 months. On the count of second-degree criminal trespass, he was ordered to comply with the court ordered conditions in count one and placed on probation for 12 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Drennen Stuart Swenson, 33, of Kenai, was found guilty of driving under the influence, committed Apr. 30. He was sentenced to 30 days on electronic monitoring with 27 days suspended, fined a $150 court surcharge, a $50 jail surcharge and $66 for the first three days of monitoring ordered, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, and placed on probation for one year.

Mersha T. Tamrat, 24, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of driving under the influence and one count of driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended, committed Dec. 2, 2018. On count one, she was sentenced to 120 days in jail or on electronic monitoring with 100 days suspended, completed 20 days on monitoring, was fined $4,000 with $1,000 suspended, a $75 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $1,467 cost of imprisonment, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had her license revoked for one year, ordered ignition interlock for 12 months, ordered not to possess, consume or buy alcohol for two years, and placed on probation for two years. On count two, she was placed on probation for 12 months, concurrent with count one.

Jason Michael Tavares, 46, of Anchorage, pleaded guilty to fifth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance, committed Sept. 28. He was fined $500 with $250 suspended and a $100 court surcharge, ordered not to consume or buy illegal drugs for 12 months, forfeited items seized, and placed on probation for 12 months.

The following judgments were recently handed down in Kenai Superior Court:

Polly Ann Collins, 63, address unknown, pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree theft, committed July 1, 2016, four counts of falsifying business records (destroying true entry), committed Nov. 1, 2013, Mar. 2, 2015, Feb. 29, 2016, and Jan. 31, 2017, and two counts of second-degree forgery (legal documents), committed Feb. 5, 2016 and Feb. 3, 2017. She was sentenced to one year in prison on each count (time concurrent), fined a $100 court surcharge and a $100 jail surcharge, ordered to pay $50 cost of appointed counsel, ordered to pay $109,000 restitution, ordered to have no contact with victims, and forfeited all items seized. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Justin Rowe Hart, 38, address unknown, pleaded guilty to one count of third-degree misconduct involving weapons (felon in possession), committed June 10. He was sentenced to two years in prison, fined a $200 court surcharge and a $100 jail surcharge, ordered to complete substance abuse treatment, and forfeited all items seized. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

The following dismissals were recently handed down in Kenai District Court:

A charge of no motor vehicle liability insurance against Marvin Clyde Brazington, Jr., 56, of Sterling, was dismissed. Date of the charge was Aug. 23.

Charges of one count of fourth-degree assault (causing fear of injury) and one count of violating conditions of release for a misdemeanor against Jaime Edward Doleman, 36, of Kenai, were dismissed. Date of the charges was Sept. 13.

A charge of driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended against Joshua M. Ley, 36, of Sterling, was dismissed. Date of the charge was Aug. 27.

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