Cook Inlet Academy graduated three students — Robert Walsh, Scott Loehr and Linnanae Dohse — at a May 9 drive-in ceremony. Attendees at the event, which was organized to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, were required to stay in their vehicles at all times, Karen McGahan, Cook Inlet Academy School Board member, said.
School board President Kristi Dillingham welcomed attendees and offered the opening prayer. Robert Walsh led pledges. Kenny Leaf, a science teacher at Cook Inlet Academy, served as the main speaker. McGahan said the parking lot was full, with cars decorated in the school colors of blue and gold. Instead of clapping, attendees honked car horns. Each student’s parents presented them with their diplomas and a parade followed the ceremony on a route through the city of Soldotna.
“This will definitely be a graduation remembered by the graduates. The CIA faculty, staff, parents and friends are all very proud of these graduates,” McGahan said via email.
• By Clarion staff