School Briefs

School board to meet

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education meets at 7 p.m. in the borough building at 148 N. Binkley Street in Soldotna (unless otherwise noted). For more information, call 907-714-8888 or visit The agenda and packet items are posted on Wednesday afternoon prior to the date of the Board Meeting.

Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate at School Board meetings should contact Debbie Tressler at 907-714-8836 or email no later than three business days before the meeting date. The board will meet:

■ May 5 (at Seward High School);

■ June 2;

■ June 3 (Board Planning Session).

Career and Tech training offered

KPBSD Career and Tech Department is offering free after school academies to train students in the Welding, Construction and Medical Field.

There will be a summer construction academy at the Workforce Development Center (located behind KCHS). Students will be constructing a greenhouse and a shed. Class days will be May 28-30 and June 2-6 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Also offered this summer is an Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT) academy. Dates and times TBA. This course will cover all areas required to receive certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. The last week of class will be for review and the final exam. If you pass the exam you’ll receive your certification and an ETT patch.

Any high school student is able to participate in any of our academies. If a student successfully completes the 60 hour academy they will receive one-half practical art credit.

To sign up go to or for more information call Debbie Pearson at 283-2145 or students can see there counselor.

Funding for the Alaska Construction Academies comes from a grant from the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development and the Alaska Youth First Program.

Visit the Study

The Study will be holding Kindergarten Visitation for next year’s incoming Kindergartners and Pre-K students from 1-2 p.m. on May 16. Students can participate in an hour of school while parents register.

Connections Home-school

Dates To Remember:

■ April 28-May 16 — Ed Performance Testing for 6th, 7th and 8th

■ April 29 — Connections Talent Show; Alaska Construction Career Days at Soldotna Regional Sports Complex

■ April 30 — Last Day To Turn In Connections Reimbursement Forms

■ May 1-16 — AIMS/CBM Testing K-5 – Call to set up appointment

■ May 1 — Kenai Fjords Marine Science Field Trip

■ May 6-7 — Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies Overnight Field Trip to Petersen Bay Field Station

■ May 6 — Salmon Celebration

Salmon Celebration

The “Salmon Celebration” will be held at Johnson Lake State Campground in Kasilof on May 6. Grades K-3 are invited to attend from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and Grades 4-6 should attend between 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. It takes about 1 1/2 – 2 hours to do all the activities. Please remember that all Connections students need to have a parent in attendance. Great lunch locations can be found throughout the campground!

Homer Shorebird Festival

Connections is offering an amazing opportunity to explore and celebrate the migration of the shorebirds of Kachemak Bay! Hundreds of thousands of shorebirds, representing over 25 species from as far as Asia, Hawaii and South America, use sites around Kachemak Bay as feeding grounds during their spring migration. Connections will be hosting a science field trip to explore these fascinating birds and science centers will be available, also! This invitation is to all Connections students and families.

■ Where: Homer/Mud Bay (down East End Road)

■ When: May 13

■ Time: Begins at 12:30 p.m. on the beach. I suggest arriving at noon. Early birds can help set up the science centers.

■ Who: Connections students- the field trip is geared for grades 3-6.

Please email or call Shelli Furlong to RSVP (required – limited space available) 907-714-8880 or

Kenai River Kids Clean Up Day

Mingle with other homeschool students/families, get outside to enjoy the springtime weather, and get an overwhelming feeling of pride that you helped improve your beautiful river community! If you are interested in participating, please contact Mark Wackler ( Lunch is provided for all participants and we’d love to see you there! Below is a tentative time-line for the day along with the primary clean up locations we have selected. We will be using three primary clean up locations, Isaac Walton in Sterling, Swiftwater Park in Soldotna and Centennial Park in Soldotna.

Each student will be given their own trash bag and label. Awards will be given to the class or classes that collect the most trash. General awards will also be presented to all the students that participate.

IDEA Home-school

IDEA is now accepting enrollment for the 2014/15 school year. To enroll visit our website or call 260-7555.

IDEA families get ready for a busy week beginning May 5 with a Graduation Celebration for our local graduates to be held at The Challenger Learning Center at 7 p.m. All families are welcome to attend and hear graduates and their families talk about their accomplishments and their plans for the future.

On May 6 families have the opportunity to go Behind the Scenes at the Anchorage Zoo. Sign up through your contact teacher to take part in this exciting hands-on field trip to learn more about Nocturnal Animals.

Families are welcome to come by the resurce center on K-Beach Road to browse and purchase gently used curriculum with this year’s allotment funds. Programs and books are being offered at discounted rates so stop by today to build your curriculum library.

Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science

■ Tuesday ­— 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. 1st and 2nd grade are going on a “Being There” trip to Captain Cook and Agate Beach; 5-6 p.m. You are invited to attend the Big Roll out Habitat Meeting

■ Wednesday — 6:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Mrs. Stroh’s class and half of Ms. Maguire’s class will go to Halibut Cove for a Study Trip; D.A.R.E for the 5th / 6th grade classes

■ Thursday — 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Mrs. Darch’s and half of Ms. Maguire’s class will go to Halibut Cove for a Study Trip

■ Friday — 7:45 a.m.-3 p.m. Kindergarteners will go to Bishops Beach for a Study Trip


■ Student Placement forms are available in the circular magazine file in the entry. They are due back to the office by May 9. This form is one of the considerations looked at when building class lists.

■ Spring picture packets and / or proofs are expected to arrive in a week.

■ If you are able to volunteer for the Bike Rodeo on May 12, please let nurse Mary Lou know.

■ Year-end Study Trips are happening now. If you plan on volunteering for any trip, please make sure that you have the volunteer requirements done 48 hours prior to the trip.

■ The Life Skill we are focusing on this week is Truthfulness: to be honest about things and feelings with oneself and others.


PTA is now accepting nominations for the 2014/2015 PTA Board. For more information contact the PTA at

The end of the year BBQ with the firefighters is May 16 at 6 p.m. Volunteers will be needed. There is no school carnival this year.

Kalifornsky Beach Elementary

6th graders Trayce Lyon and Ryan Hill represented K-Beach at the Middle School Math Meet, held in Homer on April 11. Ryan was among the top 12 competitors who advanced to the Countdown Round. Ryan was also a member of the team that was named the Top Team at the competition. Congratulations!

Emma Mullet, K-Beach 5th grader, participated in the Future Problem Solving State Bowl which was held in Soldotna on April 14 and 15. Emma prepared for this event by doing independent research on the future of Land Transportation and writing an Individual qualifying packet. Her Individual packet came in 3rd place at State Bowl! Congratulations!

The KPBSD Film Festival was held at SoHi on April 17. The following K-Beach students’ films were selected to be shown at the festival. The Jewel Thief – This team received third place for the People’s Choice award! Cassidy King, Connor Koppes, Dylan Hogue, Cody Hanson, Aubrey Girves, Kalee Vanderwall; Ms. Radius and the Freaky Creature – Owen Rolph, Sorin Sorensen, Kylie Cramer, Kaylee Lauritsen; Speaking up to Bullies – Jesse Judy, Charles Cole, Chrissy Hodo, Hannah Braden; Franky’s Adventure – Leroy Evarts, Bryce Zimmer, Owen Winfrey, Cameron Prior; Future Jupiter – Payton Rusk, Grace Wahl, Gavin Haakenson, Zachary Conrad; The Time Pad – Ryan Hill, Danielle Kjostad, Trayce Lyon. Congratulations to these students and all K-Beach students who submitted films this year.

All is going well in the Art Portable! Starting April 28, second visits to the Art Room will include painting with ‘non-washable’ acrylic paints.

Students will need to wear smocks or clothes that can get paint on them! Student art will be on display at the May 12 Art Fair. More information to come.

The final band concert of the year will now take place at K-Beach on May 8 at 7 p.m. Students should arrive to the library from 6:30-6:45 p.m.

Kenai Central High

Tuesday — The National Honor Society is a blood drive that is open to the community. If you would like to donate blood, please make arrangements to stop by KCHS or contact Mrs. Bergholtz for more information.

Students in many content areas have had many opportunities to be exposed live and interactive to a variety of experts and professionals so far this semester.

The world history students continue their CWOW partnerships with their peers that have World History with Mr. Sparks at Skyview high school. Students continue to use face to face live small group collaboration to learn about world history. World history and geography students also participated in the 3rd virtual field trip of the year when they went to Manhattan School of Music for a presentation on the music and composers that helped shape Nationalism in the 17th and 18th century Europe. These same students will take their final trip in May for the year when they hear about how music and politics shaped the Soviet Union and how music helped America battle Communism.

Students in the Tunisia Club finished a yearlong series of video conferencing this month and put together a collaborative cookbook with their peers in Sousse, Tunisia. Mr. Zorbas and Mr. Sparks are currently working on adding an extracurricular credit opportunity for next years “Youth Talk” participants. This would give students another opportunity to earn credits that could apply to graduation and scholarship opportunities.

Students from US History and Government participated in a video conference learning more about the transition in the Middle East. They heard from experts and participants in some of the places that are experiencing change in governments. They heard from some of the young people their own age in Syria who started the uprising wanting more freedom.

Geometry students participated in a video conference last week learning about the application of geometry in the art world. Mr. Kennedy said his students saw how tessellations were applied during the one hour program that was free, thanks to our friends in Canada, at the Center for Global Education.

Mrs. Davis has added another video conference to her Anatomy Course. Earlier in the year students got to watch and interact with a surgeon during a knee replacement operation. This week they will get to ask questions and watch the doctor do a live kidney transplant.

Students who have Mrs. Bergholtz for Earth Science will be participating in another free opportunity from the Center for Global Education when they learn about the carbon footprint from producing food. This VCT will look at the carbon footprint of food production from its inherent production to transportation and consumption.

Ms. Rustad had her Health class participate in a video conference with a class in North Carolina who had a guest talking about her upcoming attempt to get an official bib number and run in the Boston Marathon to support cancer research.

Kenai Middle

■ Tuesday — Mass Band Concert at the Kenai Central High School auditorium starting at 6 p.m.

■ Thursday — Choir Concert at 7 p.m. at Kenai Central High School

■ Friday — Track meet at Soldotna Middle School at 3 p.m.

Upcoming events include Mini-Course sign-ups on May 7. There is a list of all Mini-Courses being offered this year in the commons area. Come take a look and help your student decide which Course would be the most fun for them!!!

Mountain View Elementary

Parent input forms for student placement for the 2014-2015 school year are available now at the office. Your thoughts regarding your students strengths and needs is extremely helpful in developing classroom assignments. For parent input to be considered in the placement process this form needs to be returned to the office no later than Friday.

Interviews for the new Assistant Principal will be held on Tuesday starting at 4 p.m. in the Mt. View Library.

Pre-orders for the Mt. View yearbook are now being accepted. There will only be 100 yearbooks available for $17.00 each– order yours now! Order forms are available at the office.

May 6 is Teacher Appreciation Day.

Attention all 1st and 2nd graders mark your calendars, it is Bike Rodeo time!

May 8 will be Bicycle Safety Instruction. The Kenai Police Department will send an officer to teach and instruct students on Safe Bicycle Tips. May 9 students may bring their bicycle and helmet to school and ride the obstacle course. Students will also be able to have their bicycle checked and registered with a sticker. Outgrown or don’t have a helmet? No worries! Helmets can be purchased for $5 and will be personally fitted for students thanks to Safe Kids through Central Peninsula Hospital. Get ready for fun! If you would like to help with the bike rodeo, please call the office at 283-8600.

May 13 the PTA will have their final meeting for the school year at 3:45 p.m. in the staff lounge.

Please check the Lost and Found outside the school office before the end of the school year. There are a lot of coats, hats, and gloves just waiting to be claimed.

Nikiski Middle-High

The end of the year activities are quickly approaching. Athletes are busy with Soccer and Track and Field. The Musical Theater Class is in the middle of their run performing Hello Dolly! Choir and Band are looking forward to concerts and district wide music activities. Seniors are counting down the days until Graduation! The Middle School students are anticipating their campout coming the last week of school. Here is what is coming up this week:

■ Monday-Wednesday — Cheer tryouts. See Ms. Boyle for more details.

■ Tuesday — Middle School Mass Band at Kenai Middle School

■ Tuesday — High School Track and Field at Seward Invite – TBA

■ Thursday — Soccer vs. Colony at Nikiski. Girls Varsity and Boys JV at 4 p.m. Boys Varsity & Girls JV at 6 p.m.

■ Friday — Saturday — The Musical Theater Department Presents “Hello Dolly!” at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. $10 adults. $5 Students (check out the Book Fair in the Library during intermission!); High School Track at Palmer Relays – TBA

■ Friday — Middle School Track at Soldotna Middle School — 3 p.m.; High School Soccer vs. Palmer at Nikiski. Girls Varsity and Boys JV at 4 p.m. Boys Varsity and Girls JV at 6 p.m.

■ Saturday — High School Soccer vs. Houston at Nikiski. Girls Varsity and Boys JV at noon. Boys Varsity and Girls JV at 2 p.m.

■ May 5 — Spring Choir Concert at 7 p.m.

Upcoming Dates for Seniors:

Scholastic Book Fair — The Book Fair is going on in the library at this time. It is open during both lunches and after school. The book fair will also be open before, during intermission, and after Hello Dolly performances. Come check out the selection of books and posters at this years’ book fair and don’t miss out on the buy one, get one free sale!

Nikiski North Star Elementary

Fifth Grade Step Up Day will be Tuesday. The 5th graders will be going up to Nikiski Middle/High School for a tour of the school and to meet teachers. They plan on leaving NNS at 9:30 a.m. and returning at 11:45 a.m. after they have lunch. If you have any questions, please see your child’s teacher or call the office at 776-2600.

The NNS PTA would like to let NNS parents know they will be needing lots of volunteers for Teacher Appreciation Week, May 5–9, and also for the end of the year picnic on May 21. If you would like to volunteer, please see one of the PTA board members (Samantha Playle, Sheri Yeager, Trina Stichal or Michelle Maguire) and let them know if you are available to help with these events.

Redoubt Elementary

All volunteers must be registered with the school district prior to volunteering in classrooms/driving on field trips. Field trip drivers must complete a driver form and submit required documentation when driving on school related field trips. Please contact the school office for additional information or go to click on volunteer link and follow the instructions.

Spring Book Fair — April 28–May 2. Buy one book and get the other book free.

Last week’s Box Tops for Education winners were, Hannah Burton, Bridger Brewer, Michael Davidson & Emma Knowles. Keep turning those Box Tops for Education.

Redoubt Art Show – A collection of artwork created by students at Redoubt will be displayed through the month of April at Kaladi Brothers on Kobuk in Soldotna.

Redoubt students earned another PBIS school wide celebration. Last Friday students and staff celebrated their Super Behavior by dressing up in their favorite Super Hero costumes. Redoubt students continue to prove that they are Respectful, Responsible and Safe. A job well done!

Redoubt Elementary 2014/2015 Preschool applications may be picked up at the school office. Children must be 4 years old by Sept. 1.

Screening for this program will be held at the Soldotna Public Library on April 29. In order to be considered, a child must be 4 years on September 1st and have a completed application returned to Redoubt Elementary. Screenings will be scheduled after applications are brought to the school. For information please call 260-4300.

Redoubt 3rd grade students will be preforming the play “Third Grade Rock Concert” May 16 at 10:30 a.m. at Redoubt Elementary. Parents are invited to come and enjoy this fun musical performance. See you there!

The Redoubt Running Club is off and running. Approximately 25 students and 8 staff members from Redoubt hit the trails after school every day Monday through Friday. Students are being taught technique and the importance of how running can benefit them throughout their life.

River City Academy

■ May 3 — 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday School; focus will be on social studies and PECC.

■ May 6 — 7:50 a.m.-12:10 p.m. New student shadow day. Incoming new students for next year are invited to join us for the morning to see what life is like at RCA. Please call the school to sign up.

■ May 7 — 5:30-7:30 p.m. New building orientation. This invite is open to all students and parents, including those planning to attend next year.

Skyview High

Morgan Chesley, Aurora Derflinger, and Austin Craig received 4th place for their Caring for the Kenai project and Haley Trefon was a finalist.

The Track and Field team did well in Homer: Tim Duke won the triple jump with a new state best of 41-4.

Logan Hemphill, Brenner Musgrave, Daniel Shuler, and Coltin Yancey won the 4×800 relay. Hayley Ramsell won the triple jump with a 30-0 jump. Kaylee Fisher, Heather Tolliver, Hayley Ramsell and Carajean Gibbons won the 4×100 relay.

Sabrina Hames, Jessie McNamara, Haille Landess and Hayley Ramsell won the 4×200 relay

Interested in careers in Alaska’s dynamic construction industry? Skyview will be taking a bus over to the Soldotna Sports Center to experience the construction trades first-hand on Tuesday. Apprenticeship programs and industry representatives from Alaska will give you the opportunity to learn about exciting, high paying jobs in the booming construction trades. Experience demonstrations and hands-on activities in heavy equipment operation, painting, welding and much more. Pick up a permission slip from Wes Andrews or Emily Cotton.

Skyview students; get your musical and/or artistic talents flowing. The last Skyview annual Talent Show will be held Wednesday in the commons. If you wish to participate, you need to fill out the audition form and turn it in by Tuesday. The forms are on the back of Mrs. Raemaeker ’s door (B205) or in the office. They need to be turned into either Mrs. Raemaeker or the office. The auditions will be Tuesday at 2:45 p.m. for the live performance portions of the show. Prizes will be awarded. If you are entering an art piece, fill out the form and submit it to Mrs. Taylor and/or Mrs. Raemaeker.

Skyview’s last Academic and Senior’s Awards night will be May 6 at 7 p.m. in the commons. Seniors need to submit scholarship award information to Mrs. Madden by Friday in order to be included in the program.

Soldotna Elementary

This is the last week for our Reading Counts contest, and here is our listing of the winners for last week: Anna Cannava, Andi Hiler, Luc Beauparlant, Carter Cannava, Eddie Goans, Jade Nelson-Russell, Olivia Davis, Vydell Baker, and Ryann Cannava. Congratulations to all of you for your consistent hard work!

Our final PTA meeting will be May 12, in the library at 3:45 p.m. Please join us, and remember that childcare is provided.

D.A.R.E. graduation & the 6th Annual D.A.R.E. Lock-In will occur on Friday at 6 p.m. at Soldotna High School. This is for all 5th graders. Please bring a sleeping bag, pillow, swimsuit, sleeping attire and money for snacks. This event is sponsored by the Soldotna Police and the SOHI Swim Team. Thank you.

It’s not too late to order a yearbook. Be sure to return your order as soon as possible. The cost is $18, and if you still need an order form, please stop by the office and pick one up.

Wednesday our 4th-5th-and 6th graders will present the “Basseo and Trebleet” concert at 6 p.m. in the SOEL gym. Please join us for a delightful evening.

“Moustache Day” is this Friday

Each spring we provide parents with the opportunity to provide input into the classroom placement of their child for the following year. The form is available from our office and must be returned by this Friday before 4 p.m.

A big heart-felt group hug and congratulations go out to Tim Cashman, Katie Creglow, Olivia Davis, Clara Moore and Catie O’Dell who participated in the Future Problem Solving Scenario Writing Contest this spring. Catie’s scenario took 2nd place, and Olivia’s scenario took 3rd place. They received their trophies at the FPS State Bowl Awards ceremony on April 15! You young people continue to make all of us proud! Thank you, and way to go!

Soldotna High

The Soldotna High School Child Development class is having a free daycare Thursday and Friday from 12:15-2:15 p.m. Games, crafts, snacks, and other activities will be provided. Children must be potty trained and between 2-5 years of age. Registration is required with a maximum of 20. Please contact Meggean at <> for an enrollment form.

The track/football area/field is closed until further notice. No cars will be allowed in the area. The utility road between SOHI and SMS will be closed to all traffic!

Tustumena Elementary

■ Monday — Site Council Meeting, 4 p.m.

■ Thursday — Kindergarten Visitation (for those kindergarten students that have pre-registered for next school year; Science Fair at 4:30-6 p.m.

■ May 6 — Salmon Celebration

■ May 7, 8, 9 — 6th Grade to Peterson Bay

Wings Christian Academy

This week at Wings, Ethan Berga won the “Cleanest Desk of the Week” award. Good job!

Volleyball has been a focus for most of the students these last few weeks. The volleyball team had their last home game for the season on April 24. Details of that game will be announced next week. This week they will be driving up to Anchorage for the last away game against the NACA White team on Tuesday at 1 p.m. This will be their first time playing NACA White for the spring season and they hope to do well and have lots of fun. Also, the final volleyball tournament will take place at Wings on Friday at 1 p.m. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

In other news, there are 15 more days left in the Wings Christian Academy school year! The two seniors, Matanya Bush and Salena Peña, are busy trying to put together their graduation speeches for the final program. A 2nd grade graduation will also be taking place, with Valerie Cázares and Charisma Watkins moving up to the 3rd grade next year. Way to go!

More in Life

One frightening figure peers out from a doll house in the Haunted Chamber at the Kenai Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center in Kenai, Alaska, on Friday, Oct. 18, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Haunted Chamber reopens, offers free frights

The free community event started Friday and will run through Halloween

Ian McEwen and Alyeska Garrett rehearse “Boeing Boeing” at the Kenai Performers’ Theater on Kalifornsky Beach Road, near Soldotna on Monday.
Kenai Performers stage French farce ‘Boeing Boeing’

The light, wacky show centers on an airline pilot whose life begins to crack at the seams

Nick Varney
Unhinged Alaska: The Beast

Then it went all Darth Vader.

This is a display of some of the hunting items that Warren Melville Nutter carried when he moved to Alaska in the summer of 1930. (Photo courtesy of the Nutter Family Collection)
Finding Mister Nutter — Part 3

For the first 40 years of his life, most of Nutter’s experiences fit neatly into two categories: “Education” and “Military.”

These Japanese-style souffle pancakes are sweet, light and delicate, and taste divine paired with tart cranberry sauce. (Photo by Tressa Dale/Peninsula Clarion)
Aiming for the clouds

Delicate, fluffy Japanese-style souffle pancakes bring breakfast to a new level

Two young contestants hold their pumpkins at the City of Kenai’s 9th annual Fall Pumpkin Festival in Kenai, Alaska, on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024. (Photo by Jonas Oyoumick/Peninsula Clarion)
Pumpkins make a splash at annual fall fest

There were hayrides, face painting and a pumpkin-decorating contest for the kids.

Minister’s Message: Experiments in faith

Here’s the experiment: resist the suspicion that prayer is just a bunch of empty religious talk

Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion
Artwork is displayed for silent auction at the Kenai Art Center on Thursday, Oct. 3.
Kenai Art Center’s annual auction open through Oct. 25

The exhibition features an array of art across mediums donated by local artists

This classic chicken salad is bright and tangy. (Photo by Tressa Dale/Peninsula Clarion)
Afternoon chicken salad

This classic salad is bright and tangy, perfect for enjoying on a beach towel on the roof

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