Kenai Central High School 2nd Semester Honor Roll

4.0 — 12th Grade: Carissa Bible, Kendra Cissell, Makayla George, Bradley Hamilton, Kathryn Knackstedt, Haiden Perkins, Lydia Power, Alyson Quartly, Caitlin Steinbeck, Courtney Stroh. 11th grade: Alexandria Bergholtz, Allison Bushnell, Celestina Castro, Brittney Cramer, Jake Eubank, Amanda Fischer, Sierra Hall, Kiana Harding, Alyeska Krull, Ashley Maxson, Wren Norwood, Hannah Nusbaum, Allison Ostrander, Heidi Perkins, Kendra Pisa, Jeremy Ruggiero, Makai-Lynn Smith, Jonah Theisen, Dezmond Ticknor. 10th grade: Alexis Baker, David Beck, James Bodolosky, Jr., Donalen Bowers, Logan Boyle, Carola Chavez Pajares, Laural Dunham, Sarah Every, Hailey Helms, Taylor Kenney, Ty Kenney, Madeleine Michaud, Jacey Ross, Mikaela Salzetti, McKinley Sorhus, Allison Steinbeck. 9th grade: Savannah Boze, Madison Chanley, Shannon Esteban, Ross Hanson, Caleigh Jensen, Robin Johnson, Eric Kempf, Alexis Koroll, Emily Koziczkowski, Mackenzie Lindeman, Kyrsten Maxson, Thera Mullet, Baylee Roberts, Taylor Shelden, Mara Youngren-Brown.

3.5 – 3.99 — 12th Grade: Justin Angeles-Ward, Gabriel Boyle, Caleb Caldwell, Olen Danielson, Kirsten Duran, Zoya Elder, Justice English, Brittany Fabunan, Christina Glenzel, Vladislav Glushkov, Matthew Hinkle, Kayla Howard, Jordan Jackman, Danielle Jackson, Keir Johnson, Josephine Jones, Jake Kirsch, Courtney McCauley, Falon McGahan, Nathan Narlock, Dallas Pierren, Vienna Schmitter-Schrier, Tamera Ward, Shelby Weber, Kia Youngren-Brown. 11th grade: Ian Ashley, Jamie Bagley, Savannah Bilyeu, Christopher Campos, Becky Dragseth, Jacob Dye, Mackenzie Evenson, Driskoll Heath, Kyle Hunter, Nathan Kaaihue, Megan Kissee, Svetlana Landt Ortega, Victoria Link, Joseph McKee, Sherrie Murray, Kirsten Nyquist, Thomas Randall, Andrea Reilly, Brandon Sorhus, Dakota Sorrels, Danielle Updike, Joseph Vicere, Timothy Zoda. 10th grade: Lucienne Anderson , Cody Arbelovsky, Ean Atchley, Brett Brown, Dalton Dosko, Hannah Drury, Liam Floyd, Christopher Hamilton, Coral Holmes, Zachary Koziczkowski, Tiffany Long, Raymon Machen-Gray, Alexandra McKinstry, Johnathan Nash, Drew Peterson, Caleb Rohn, Ashley Segura, Courtney Shipps, Michael Tilly, Jr. 9th grade: Andrew Agosti, Abigail Beck, Brittany Bucho, Patricia Catacutan, Savannah Clark, Lara Creighton, Kathryn Darch, Cy Dull, Whitney Esteban, Jaycob Goff, Fionna Heath, Avery Hieber, Joshua Jackman, Cierra King, Mariah Kjostad, Melanie Lee, Kassandra Lindsley, Attison Machen-Gray, Blossom McGahan, Isabella Missel, Samantha Morse, Kelsey Pisa, Mikaela Pitsch, Kaden Pohl, Phillip Rhodes, Stefani Schindler, Jessica Segura, Zackary Selinger, Dai-Ana Smith, Shanija Walters, Matthew Zorbas.

3.0 – 3.49 — 12th grade: Annie Azzara, Robert Brown, Cody Conaway, Shannon Evans, Ian Ferguson, Shane Fortune, Austin Frederic, Hanah Hoff, Anessia Hubler, Mackenzie Lee, Jacob Meyer, William Michaud, Nathanael Mole, Jazshe Nushart, Jessica Roper, Nolan Scarlett, Dacia Shier, Kiah Smith, Cory Stuart, Aaron Troxell-Tom, Trevor Wagoner, Jay Willford, Nathan Zorbas. 11th grade: Hannah Barcus, Charlene Benson, Sydney Clark, Travis Cooper, Meagan Easley, Kylie Hanson, Hevyn Hoff, Samantha Kalarchik, Lilly Kincheloe, Christopher Lawson, Joshua Posey-Schave, Mariah Prosterman, Mariah Schloeman, Gunner Smith, Denise Taylor, Kinsley Trahan, Nyqolle Van De Grift, Kyla Whannell, Rebecca Willard. 10th grade: Moriah Bisset, Joseph Brighton, Ashley Burcham, Marie Chipman, Eden Deatherage, Lindsay Floyd, Joseph Gabriel, Emily Hamilton, Keith Ivy, Conner Johnson, Draiden McMinn, Kylie Morse, Willow Napolitano, KathLynn Payton, Cameron Ramos, Tobias Randall, Sydnee Wyckoff. 9th grade: Elena Berlin, Ellimarie Bravo-Moe, Kameron Brazell, Brianna Bushnell, Natalia Chavez Pajares, MaryBethany Coghill, Jrew Daniels, Kalvin Daniels, Maximillian deMello, Maxwell Dye, Madeline George, Alannah Hill, Kathleen Kilfoyle, Tristan Landry, Rebecca Miller, Becki Power, Melanie Rafferty, Abigayle Tuttle, Cassidy Weekes, Julianne Wilson, Kelcei Zoda.

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