Nikiski lights up the night

The Nikiski Community Council sponsors the Nikiski Night Lights contest each December. We want to thank those residents who beautify our community with holiday decorations and lights. We partnered this year with the Nikiski Senior Center, and applaud the efforts of Senior Center Activities Director Sharon Fisher, who arranged a group to view and judge those nominated. Handclaps and appreciation to Homer Electric Association for providing energy credits toward the first place winners’ electric bills. Other winners received local area business gift cards.

You may still get a chance to view the lights! Our winners include: 1st Place residential traditional, James and Robin Allemann, 47495 Holt Lamplight; 2nd place residential traditional, Doug and Kelly Brewer, on Suzanne; 1st place animated John and Brenda Klimpke, Blueberry Avenue; 2nd place animated, Terri Schilling off of Holt Lamplight; 3rd place traditional, Ray and Nancy Whiting on Kuskokwim; and Honorable Mention, Brad and Shannon Bird on Birch Street.