Navarre has a proven track record

Like most of you reading this letter I rarely get involved in Borough government affairs. Only occasionally will an issue of personal concern get me to attend meetings. Most day-to-day business of Borough government doesn’t show up on my radar screen. It is fortunate for all of us that there are people who take care of this essential business. I’ve known Mayor Mike Navarre for over 20 years and, while we don’t necessarily agree on every issue, I’ve always found him to be very knowledgeable and competent. I find it reassuring that we have someone with Mayor Navarre’s extensive experience and contacts handling both the mundane government business and the emergencies.

During the wildfire last spring we were fortunate to have Mayor Navarre helping coordinate the successful response. In the next crisis the Borough will face, whether it is something like an Exxon-Valdez oil spill or another ’64 earthquake (I was here for both), I want someone with a proven track record managing our Borough. That is why I’ll be voting for Mayor Mike Navarre.