Letter: Central peninsula community generous and always there to help

Central peninsula community generous and always there to help

On behalf of the board of directors and staff of The LeeShore Center, I would like to extend thanks and appreciation to the many community members, businesses and service agencies who generously donated time and assistance to our agency during 2017.

Your continued support and caring makes a difference in the lives of victims experiencing domestic violence and sexual assault. During the year 1612 volunteer hours were given to our agency to assist with projects, awareness and fundraising events, violence prevention efforts, maintenance and repairs and staff support. With your help, The LeeShore Center provided emergency shelter and transitional housing to 198 women and children for a total of 8816 bednights, answered 876 crisis calls and assisted 352 individuals with walk-in advocacy services.

And to those who contributed in-kind and/or financial donations, thank you so much! Your donations and support help us ensure victim needs are met and program services are available.

To all, thank you for helping make our community a safer place to live. We wish each of you a safe and peaceful holiday season and many blessings throughout the coming year!


Cheri Smith

Executive Director