Nick Varney

Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: This purge won’t be a movie sequel

What’s forthcoming is a very rare occurrence and, in my case, uncommon as bifocals on a Shih Tzu puppy

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: The quiet serenity of spring. Not even.

It’s tough to teach a teenage female pup that everything that goes on around her is not all about her

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Here we go again …

If memory serves, the years leading up to 2008 inflation had quite a run

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Not quite the Olympics … but

This unhinged winter and its obnoxious attitude has been an eye-opener

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Hey Julius, the Ides of January are topping the suckometer, too

The unremitting inundation set a record for our little cabin by the sea.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Enough is enough

Ole Mother Nature must have misplaced her backup box of vintage dregs from a Cold Duck wine vat.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Back off, Zeus

If this wet-n-warm, freeze, then start again, continues much longer, Kachemak Drive will need a complete redo.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Sometimes I wonder, who needs who

Dog whispers we are not. Suckers for unconditional love, you bet.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: The inside story regarding moose

Moose derive their name from the Native American word, “Moswa,” meaning “twig eater.”

Nick Varney
Nick Varney (courtesy photo)

Unhinged Alaska: The last time I saw him

Dale had always been an excellent judge of character and his reputation went untarnished by his amazing group of friends …

Nick Varney (courtesy photo)
Nick Varney (courtesy)

Flying fish and lead. Oh my!

Homer can become rather rowdy at times.

Nick Varney (courtesy)
Nick Varney (file)

Unhinged Alaska: Pondering a new car

I’m a 6-foot-2 hunk of meat who barely fits into the passenger side of her rig unless I fold up like an accordion.

Nick Varney (file)
Nick Varney

Reeling ‘Em In: Homer Spit looking like its own self again

Chinook fishing looks good in the fishing hole — but watch out for those seals.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: Time to enjoy, not to annoy

I’m already overhearing growing concerns about whether or not the usual influx of tourists to the peninsula will be dampened due to the surging tsunami of fuel costs.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney (File)

Unhinged Alaska: I was already grumpy, then Ma Nature took a swing

I don’t know why I find taxes taxing.

Nick Varney (File)
Nick Varney (courtesy)

Unhinged Alaska: Winter fusses

“So,” he said, “there will still be dude and dudette taters?”

Nick Varney (courtesy)
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: The Poe-etic potholes return

Well, 2021 has started off a bit shaky, especially weatherwise. Even though, at the moment, we are encapsulated in a wood frog freeze, the last… Continue reading

Nick Varney
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: So, now what 2021 ?

The new year has started out in an interesting way, mainly because many of us are still dealing with some hang-around issues from the previous 365 days.

Nick Varney
Nick Varney (courtesy)

Unhinged Alaska: A special friend’s wish for Santa

It’s hard to recall a year of such blanket angst and quandary, yet, somehow, someway, there’s always a light shining through gloom if you look for it.

Nick Varney (courtesy)
Nick Varney

Unhinged Alaska: A guide to the seasons

Figuring out the signs of seasonal change is easy, right?

Nick Varney