There are days when my sanity literally cannot bear the news of some of the stuff going on in communities across the nation
Don’t let the resurrection of Jesus become old news
At its core, the Bible speaks a great deal about the time allotted for one’s life
This year brought an amazing opportunity for folks around the world to experience the stories, traditions and messages of what their spirituality or religion has taught them
What would you be willing to give to save your life?
In all my desperate prayers, I sometimes forget that God has spoken definitively already
There is a heavenly place that is real and not just figurative
In the Bible, a letter was written to followers of Jesus who were discouraged
I have a deep sense of sorrow, when I see someone not ending life well because they ignored living a life of faith or by failing in integrity or in faithfulness
I hope that we can find that we have more in common than we realize
Dark forces have made their way into the world ever since the time of Adam and Eve and now Jesus shows up to redraw the boundary lines
It is good to have more daylight and feel the warmth of the sun now
After a long human discourse on “where is God?” God ardently responds in chapters 38-41 to the dialogue between Job and his friends.
We need to intervene with the hope of Christ to turn around the downhill slide
“It’s very simple. As you grow, you learn more. If you stayed at twenty-two, you’d always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two. Aging… Continue reading
When the nights are longest, when the darkness is deepest, into our midst steps Jesus
The Bible says the Lord God will be the light and those walking in that light will forever rejoice
It is a common practice for me to share words of encouragement with those who find themselves in need of medical attention
Effective Jan. 1, assembly invocations will be delivered exclusively by volunteer chaplains who serve the borough’s fire and emergency medical service areas
History tells us that Jesus factually lived and later died on the cross. Therefore, the Christmas story is true history