In August 1963, my long-time neighbor and my father flew into the Tustumena benchlands.
The marker read: “Walter R. Bell. Buried here July 1921. Born in 1860, Fillmore Co., Minn.”
“This is not a gold country, and don’t let anybody kid you.”
In their early days in the Cooper Landing area, the Jims needed a place to live.
Jim’s Landing honors two close friends: James (“Big Jim”) O’Brien and James (“Little Jim”) Dunmire.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the second part of a two-part story about the Kings County Mining Company’s expedition to the Kenai Peninsula in 1898. Part… Continue reading
New history column kicks off with the story of Kings County Mining Company’s expedition to peninsula.
I’m already overhearing growing concerns about whether or not the usual influx of tourists to the peninsula will be dampened due to the surging tsunami of fuel costs.
I think I’m losing my touch.
The Great Garage Reorganization of 2020 is under way.
Based on the survey questions, I’ve apparently been old for a while now
When did I turn into that old guy who feels like he has to give everyone else advice?
Volunteers turn out to remove refuse from the refuge
All events are still being held virtually at the Kenai Community Library.
When the first stay-at-home mandates came out, I jumped into it with a “carpe diem” kind of energy.
Meet the Clarion news team
Weekly portraits of Kenai Peninsula College students
By halftime they were ready to switch to the highlights of the earlier Puppy Bowl.
Just like nearly everyone we know here, we have a bird feeder. It supplies lots of entertainment this time of the year. Chickadees and nuthatches… Continue reading
In all the elements, February oozes with happiness and warmth, even though it tends to be a chilly time of year. Facts: Astrological signs —… Continue reading