Schools briefs for the week of September 17, 2018

Kenai Peninsula College

Council meeting scheduled

The College Council will hold their next meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 13 at KPC’s Kenai River Campus in Soldotna in Ward room 116. The College Council is advisory in nature and members are recruited from all sectors of the Kenai Peninsula to provide input to KPC administration. The meeting is open to the public. For a copy of the agenda, contact the director’s assistant at 262-0318 or visit this link:

K Beach Elementary

Mr. Daniels’s science class is starting up their Adopt-a-Stream program with the Kenai Watershed Forum. The class is learning about ecosystems in science class and they hope to see signs of a river and stream ecosystem on their journey. They will be testing the water quality of Slikok Creek and will continue to monitor the creek each month throughout the year. They are also studying engineering and design process this year. They have completed two STEM projects and will complete approximately 2-4 projects per month in class.

Soldotna Prep school

Homecoming has arrived with spirit week that includes dress-up days:

Monday-Pajama Day, Tuesday-Twin Day, Wednesday-Denim Day, Thursday–Class Color Day, 9th-grade color is grey, Friday–Decades Day, 9th grade is the 80s.

After school activities include C-team football today vs Homer at 3:30 pm, Volleyball will host Homer on Tuesday. Peach Fuzz volleyball is scheduled for Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the SoHi gym and Powder Puff football is Thursday at 6:00 pm on the football field. Saturday the Varsity Football game vs Service is at 2:00 pm, the JV plays at 11:00 am. Volleyball also has home games, Varsity hosting Grace at 12:30 pm in the Soldotna Prep gym, JV plays at 11:00 am and C-team at 10:00 am. Also, Cross Country Regions will take place at the Tsalteshi Trails. To wrap it up is the Homecoming Dance at SoHi, 7:00-10:00 pm, tickets are available for $10.00 in the office.

First Quarter Eligibility Check is Monday, September 24th.

Teens Against Tobacco Use is looking for teen leaders who are fun, outgoing, articulate, and good role models to help make a difference in the lives and health of our community. And, it looks good on your resume! Pick up an application from Nurse Martha and plan on attending the training on Tuesday, October 2nd.

Note from the Counselor: Anytime students practice taking a test, it is an advantage. Here is an opportunity, Practice Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) will be offered on Wednesday, October 10, at 7:30 am to (approx.) 12:00 pm at SoHi’s auditorium. The fee is S18.00 and on a first come first serve. Pay the fee and sign up at SoHi’s front desk. Visit for more information. See Ms. Ruebsamen with questions.

Soldotna Elementary

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events: September 25 Walk Your Child to School Day

September 27 Fall Picture Day

On September 25th, Soldotna Elementary will participate in a Walk Your Child to School event. Please meet at the Catholic Church on Redoubt by 8:00 am. Snacks will be served when we reach the school. All students must be accompanied by an adult. To keep our school safe, all visitors and volunteers must sign in at the front office and pick up a visitor badge to wear while in the school. Anyone interested in volunteering can complete an online form by visiting the KPBSD website at and click on the volunteer’s link. This process must be completed each school year. Please contact the Human Resources Department with any questions. The Soldotna Sentinel will be sent home in Tuesday folders and via e-mail the on first Tuesday of each month. You can also access it on the school website. Watch for the Sentinel to get the latest news and updates from Soldotna Elementary.

Kenai Central High School

Week of September 17th – September 23rd, 2018

It is Homecoming Week at Kenai! The theme this year is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and students are at work finishing decorations for their parade and dance!

The Homecoming Parade will begin behind Arby’s in Kenai at 6 PM, Friday, September 21 and the Bonfire will follow. The Homecoming Dance will be from 8 PM to 11 PM on Saturday, September 22. The theme this year is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and the students are working this week to prepare decorations and finish floats for their parade!

A number of businesses from the community have sponsored the KCHS Homecoming this year and have helped to make this event possible. All the Kardinals would like to thank Moffett Physician Service, Siam Noodles and Food, Kelly Griebel Century 21, Urgent Care Soldotna, and The Hair Force. The support that the community continues to show to KCHS and its students shows us all what community truly means and we are all truly grateful for that support.

Kenai’s Cross Country runners will compete at regions this weekend. The Lady Kard runners have had strong showings all year and look to continue that trend in the region tournament, while the boy’s team is looking at some of their up and comers to secure their state berths.

The KCHS Football team will battle it out with Kodiak on Saturday during their Homecoming game. The drumline and cheerleaders will give a special Half Time performance and the Homecoming Royalty will be honored. The Kards look to improve their conference record heading towards the playoffs.

Friday: 9/21

Parade Lineup: 5:30pm @ Kenai Senior Center

Parade Begins: 6pm

(Parade Route Spur View Dr. R Kenai Spur Hwy., R on Walker Ln, L on Lawton Drive, L to KCHS.)

Bonfire: Following Parade (6:30 to 6:45)

Powder Puff Football Game: 7pm

Saturday: 9/22

Cross Country Runners: Region Meet @ Tsalteshi Trails

Football: Jv v. Kodiak @ 11am

Football: Varsity Homecoming Game v. Kodiak @ 2pm

Homecoming Dance: 8pm-11pm

Mountain View Elementary

Every year here at Mountain View Elementary we teach “Positive Responses to Conflict” the first 6 weeks of school. This weeks’ focus is to compromise and share.

The 30 day grace period for Free and Reduced meal benefits will end on Tuesday, October 2, 2018. Students who do not have a new application in and approved will have to bring a sack lunch or bring $3.00 for a hot lunch. Please allow up to 10 working days for an application to be processed. Applications are available at the office.

Friday, September 21st is “Moustache Day”.


Sports Schedule this week:

Tuesday, September 18 – Soccer Girls A vs. Kenai @ Skyview – 3:00 pm

Tuesday, September 18 – Soccer B Team A vs. Kenai B @ Skyview – 3:00 pm

Tuesday, September 18 – Soccer Boys A vs. Kenai @ Skyview – 4:30 pm

Friday, September 21 – Soccer Girls A vs. Homer @ Skyview – 3:00 pm

Friday, September 21 – Soccer B Team P vs. Homer @ Skyview – 3:00 pm

Friday, September 21 – Soccer Boys A vs. Homer @ Skyview – 4:30 pm

Friday, September 21 – Cross Country – Seward Invitational @ Seward – 3:00 pm

Any 7th or 8th-grade student that is interested in joining Battle of the Books please see Mrs. Johnson.

Basketball Open Gym – Thursday afternoons beginning at 4:00 pm until intramural basketball begins on October 8. Please contact Mr. Patat for more information.

Reminder: Morning Tutoring is available for all students Tuesday through Friday with Mrs. Johnson from 7:00 to 7:45 am.

Important: Current contact information is essential for effective communication with parents/guardians during the school day. If a student has a change in address or phone number, please contact the front office to update. Thank you.

Nikiski North Star Elementary

There will be a site council meeting today at 3:45pm in the staff lounge. Everyone is invited to attend.

NNS will have a bus evacuation drill on Wednesday, September 19th at 3:20 pm.

The PTA officers for the 2018 – 2019 school year are: President – Jessica Farmer, Vice President – Jamie Savely, Secretary – Taylor McGahan, and Treasurer – Amber Rang.

PTA is an excellent way to get involved with your child’s school, meet new families and help with activities that add so much to the school. PTA is heading up the annual NNS fall carnival. This year the carnival will be held on Saturday, October 27th from 1:00 – 4:00 at the school. Volunteers are needed to help set up, run booths, serve food, and clean up. Also, candy donations are always welcome. Please call the school office at 776-2600 for more information about volunteering.

River City Academy

People often ask River City Academy staff and students, “What’s different about River City Academy?” There are multiple answers to this question. RCA is a performance-based school for grades 7-12. In a performance-based school, time is not a requirement. Students can move at their own pacing- excelling when they understand the material or slowing down when they need more time to work. In our model, a student’s grades are based on the student demonstrating that they know the material. Not only is RCA a leader in performance-based learning, it is a welcoming environment to all students. At River City Academy there are small classes, so the teachers can get to know the students and help them succeed. Along with the teachers knowing everyone, the students also get to know each other and work across grade levels forming relationships with fellow peers. There is activity breaks and common room times that harbor this cross-grade level collaboration. River City Academy is accepting new students. If you or someone you know is interested in a performance-based school, RCA might be a great fit! For more information on River City Academy please call the office at 907-714-6400 or stop by.


Welcome to the 2018-2019 Connections School year! Once a week we like to email our families with updates, information and activities happening in our Connections program. The emails will also be available on our website for reference ( ) and/or our Facebook page ( ). Please feel free to contact us for more information and we look forward to the school year!

Homer: 226-1880

Seward: 224-9035

Soldotna: 714-8880

Dates To Remember:

09/19 – Soldotna Office: AIMSweb Assessments grades K-4 – please call the Soldotna office to schedule an appointment 09/20 – Homer Office: Lifetouch School Photos 1:00pm – 3:00pm

DATE CHANGE: 10/02 – Gym Time @ Kenai Rec Center 12-2

09/26 – Seward Office Closed

09/27 & 09/18 – Seward Office: Mr. Parrett in Office; AIMS Assessments – Grades K-4, please call Julie to schedule your student or get additional information

10/04 – Egg Take @ Anchor River (more info below)

10/01 – Seward Office Closed

10/03 – Seward Office: Bear Lake Weir in Seward – Egg Take and Activities 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm, Call Julie to sign up and get additional info.

10/03 – Seward Middle School: Lifetouch School Photos – Details to Come

10/04 – Central Peninsula: School Pics @ Borough Bldg 3-5pm

10/10 – PSAT @ Soldotna and Homer Offices – check in at 8:00 am

10/17 – High School Eligibility Due

10/25 – Homer Office: Lifetouch School Photos/RETAKES 1:00 pm – 3:00pm

10/31 – ARWA’s 2018 Water Conservation Poster Contest Deadline

11/16 – Central Peninsula: School Pic Retakes @ Borough Bldg 3-5pm

Central Peninsula Gym Time:

Central Peninsula families are invited to come to gym time every Tuesday from 12-2pm at the Kenai Rec Center starting OCTOBER 2ND (NEW START DATE). Connections have organized activities, games and also free time for students of all ages to participate. Other homeschool families are invited and encouraged to participate. Please note: all students must have an adult present. Come check it out!

Outdoor Themed Art Wanted:

The Soldotna office is looking for student artwork that shares outdoor adventure themes! The Soldotna office is getting revamped and there is an entire wall dedicated for Student Art! Please stop by anytime between 8:30 and 4:00pm to drop of artwork!

Silver Salmon Egg Take at the Anchor River:

As part of the “Salmon in the Classroom” program, ADF&G invites students to participate in the silver salmon egg take at the Anchor River. The short presentation will be from 12:25-1pm, and students will meet at the first parking lot to the right off of Anchor River Road. Directions: turn on to the Old Sterling Highway (next to the Anchor River Inn), cross the wooden bridge, take a right on Anchor River Road, first parking lot to the right. For more information please contact Mark Wackler:

Free Shelf Overflowing!

The Soldotna office has a free shelf with quite a few items added. Please stop by during office hours to check out all the treasures!

Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science

The Life Skill we are focusing on this week is Truthfulness–To be honest about things and feelings with oneself and others.


Study trips are already scheduled so watch for student permission forms. If you’d like to volunteer on a trip, you need to be an approved volunteer. Two steps are required each school year to be approved. Go to and click the link to the background check. This may take 2 weeks for approval to be returned. The next link on the page will take you to the Online Volunteer Training with instructions on completing that.

The Color Run was fantastic. Thank you to the amazing PTA for pulling this together to earn money for a greenhouse classroom. If you missed the opportunity or would like to contribute to this cause, you can still make a donation. Donations can be dropped off at the Kaleidoscope office.

Tuesday, September 18

9:15 PTA Gear Committee Meeting in the Art room

5:30 Kindergarten Family Connections and Potluck. Please see the teachers for more details.

Up Coming Events

September 25 – All school A.L.I.C.E. Drill; if you would like more information on this drill please call the Kaleidoscope office.

October 1- 5th Grade will go to Homer to the Wynn Nature Center.

October 4- 3rd/4th-grade classes will go to Anchor River for the annual egg take.

October 16-Picture Retakes

October 18-PTA at 6:00 p.m.

October 19- End of 1st Quarter In-service;a NO SCHOOL

October 22-APC Meeting @4:15 in the KSAS Library

November 1 & 2-Parent Teacher Conferences; NO SCHOOL

Check out the electronic bulletin board in the entryway for all upcoming events and meetings.

Nikiski Middle/High School

Tuesday, September 18

Financial Aid Information Night – 7:00 p.m.

Open to Seniors and parents

Guest Presentation by Stephanie Quintana, KPC Financial Aid Specialist

Thursday, September 20

Middle School Soccer @ Kenai – 3:00 p.m.

Friday, September 21

Football @ Houston – JV 4:00 / Varsity 7:00

Middle School Soccer @ Nikiski vs. Seward – 3:00 p.m.

Middle School X-Country @ Skyview – 3:00 p.m.

Saturday, September 22

High School X-Country Regions @ Tsalteshi

Basketball Fundraiser – Sportsman’s Wall of Merchandise

To be held at the Nikiski Recreation Center on Saturday, September 22 from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

$5 admission buys all-you-can-eat tacos, dessert & juice or coffee

There will be the Main Event Raffles, Bucket Raffle & Basket Raffles

For details call, text, or email: 690-0569,

September 24-29 is Homecoming Week!

Homecoming Dance Saturday, Sept. 29 from 8-12

October 9

Picture Retakes

Academic Awards and National Honor Society Inductions

Order your Yearbook now on Price is only $45 until October 31!

Congratulations to Samantha Perry, the Kenai Rotary Student of the Month!

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