Business News

■ On Wednesday, the Kenai and Soldotna Chambers of Commerce will host a joint luncheon at noon at the Kenai Visitor Center. Congressman Don Young will provide an update from Washington, D.C. RSVP to 283-1991 or 262-9814.

Alaskan Physical Therapy, Inc. will be hosting a free workshop on Tuesdays from 2-4:30 p.m. Feb. 18 through March 25. The class is called Living Well Alaska — Better Choices, Better Health. Participants will be given a workbook and learn how to manage symptoms associated with chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart problems, diabetes, and chronic pain. Class size is limited. Please call Jill or Jennifer at 260-2679 for more information or to register for the workshop. Location will be in Soldotna at 36275 Kenai Spur Highway in the log cabin building.

“Starting and Operating a Specialty Food Business in Alaska” is a course intended for individuals interested in starting and operating a specialty food business to sell foods direct to consumers under the DEC Cottage Foods Exemption or a temporary DEC permit.

This course consists of four classes to be held on Feb.15, Feb. 22, March 1, and March 8, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Kenai Peninsula College. The course will include business planning and marketing, financing and accounting, permitting and feasibility assessment, promoting and pricing products, and ways to enter the market such as farmers markets, food trucks, wholesaling, and supermarkets.

Other topics that will be discussed are creating nutrition fact panels, formatting your food label, and making sure your facility meets health and safety guidelines. Cost of the course is $40.00.

Register online at or call Kate Idzorek at 907-474-5391 for more information.

Homer Electric Association (HEA) is accepting nominations from members interested in running for a seat on the cooperative’s Board of Directors.

The cooperative’s Board is made up of nine directors, three from each of the three districts that make up the service area.

This year, the District 1 (Kenai-Nikiski-parts of Soldotna) seat held by Kenai resident Kelly Bookey will be on the ballot. In District 2 (Soldotna-Sterling-Kasilof area) the seat currently held by Sterling resident Dick Waisanen will be up for election. In District 3 (Kasilof-Homer-Seldovia area), HEA members will vote for the seat currently held by Don Seelinger of Seldovia.

HEA directors are elected by district, with members voting only for the director in their respective district.

Members interested in being on the ballot must fill out a Candidacy Packet that requires the candidate to gather at least 15 signatures from current HEA members that live in the district where the candidate resides. The Candidacy Packet is available at HEA offices in Kenai and Homer and online at

The deadline to submit the Candidacy Packet is 5 p.m. on Feb. 28. Completed packets can be dropped off at either the Kenai or Homer HEA office.

Ballots will be mailed out to HEA members on March 28 and the results will be tabulated and announced at the Annual Meeting on May 1 at the Soldotna High School.

For additional information contact Joe Gallagher at 907-283-2324.

The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council is seeking recertification as the alternative voluntary advisory group for Prince William Sound, as authorized under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90). The application has been submitted to the U.S. Coast Guard, which is charged with assessing whether the council fosters the general goals and purposes of OPA 90 and is broadly representative of communities and interests as envisioned under OPA 90.

The application is open for public review until March 7 under federal register docket number USCG-2013-1003. The full text of the federal register notice can be found at using the docket number. Comments may be submitted on line at that website.

The recertification application is available for public review on the council’s website at To obtain a printed copy, contact the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council, 3709 Spenard Road, Suite 100, Anchorage, Alaska 99503. Call 907-277-7222 or toll-free 800-478-7221.

Comments on the application may be sent to: Commander, 17th Coast Guard District (Dp), PO Box 25517, Juneau AK 99802, Attn: LT Tomas Pauser, Inspections & Investigations.

Comments also can be forwarded to the docket manager at the address indicated. All correspondence must include the docket number.

The Coast Guard will be taking comment until March 7.

The Peninsula Job Center will offer the following workshops the week of Feb. 10:

Monday, Feb. 17 — The Peninsula Job Center will be closed in observance of President’s Day

Tuesday, Feb. 18 — 10:30 a.m., Job Prep Workshop

Wednesday, Feb. 19 — 10:30 a.m., CareerReady 101 Lab; 1:30 p.m., WorkKeys® Testing

Thursday, Feb. 20 — 10:30 a.m., Interviewing Skills Workshop

Friday, Feb. 21 — No workshops offered.

All workshops are free of charge to the public.

Those interested in attending any of the workshops offered at the Peninsula Job Center can call 335-3010 or visit the job center located in Kenai at 11312 Kenai Spur Highway, Suite No. 2.

Have you opened a new business, moved to a new location, hired a new person or promoted an employee? The community wants to know, and so do we. Send us your information at, fax it to 907-283-3299, or drop it by the Clarion at 150 Trading Bay in Kenai. Questions? Call 907-335-1251.

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Creamy pasta is served with smoked salmon and Parmesan. (Photo by Tressa Dale/Peninsula Clarion)
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Artwork by Anastasia Clyde is seen as part of the inaugural exhibition of “Spirit of Soldotna: Showcasing Student Art” in Soldotna City Hall on Wednesday. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Soldotna opens student art showcase in city hall

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Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion
Artwork by Susan Nabholz, Charlotte Coots and Chelline Larsen is displayed as part of “Fiber” at the Kenai Art Center on Wednesday.
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These cupcakes are dense, more like brownies than traditional cupcakes, and are chock full of chocolate. (Photo by Tressa Dale/Peninsula Clarion)
‘Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate’ with some sprinkles

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