If I’m honest, this time of year is the hardest for me mentally and emotionally.
The days are shorter. We are losing nearly six minutes a day. It’s getting colder.
I have sometimes wondered if I did, in fact, squander my youth.
Moose derive their name from the Native American word, “Moswa,” meaning “twig eater.”
Ruthie untwists her thread, straightens her shoulders, reaches for a cup of coffee, and calculates her felt-making outcome.
I never once even considered that in my lifetime it might be possible to exist in outer space …
Although Dr. R. J. Alcorn spent only a few years in Alaska, he certainly got around.
Jesus pointed out the well water satisfies thirst for a while, but “whosoever drinks of the water I shall give shall never thirst.”
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is Part One of a two-part story about a physician/surgeon who came to Seward in the 1920s with some curious blank spots… Continue reading
More than ever, everyone seems to have an opinion on every subject and to be quite animated that their side is the only one that is right.
Part Two of a two-part story about a few of the unlucky and the unwise among the long history of medical professionals in Seward.
Dale had always been an excellent judge of character and his reputation went untarnished by his amazing group of friends …
Most people are tempted at one time or another to compromise their integrity.
Seward’s medical professionals have had their share of bad luck.
When we landed at Pullman/Moscow at 6 p.m. it was 100 degrees.
Have you ever had one of those “in the pits” days … or weeks … or —?
Just keep moving. For some people, it might be a mantra for living their lives. For me, it’s how I deal with mosquitoes. I think… Continue reading
July is the seventh month, and is called “Dog Days” because it’s the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere. FACTS: Astrological Signs: Cancer and Leo;… Continue reading
By Clark Fair For the Peninsula Clarion We all hope we live in a safe neighborhood. I know I hoped so. I grew up on… Continue reading
It has been over 20 years since we had a 1-year-old in the house for any extended period of time.