Kenai Performers brings classic coming-of-age tale to the stage
Lame Ducks Dark Horses” is back
Peninsula Writers Contest returns for its 25th year
The film isn’t about Michael and Laurie killing one another
Auditions for the retro musical will be Friday from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday from 1-3 p.m.
Local artists collaborate with a colorful exhibit of Homer’s iconic buildings and architecture
“After nine weeks of practicing, they finally get their payoff.”
The Performing Arts Society presents a recital by a baritone vocalist and a pianist
Kenai Art Center unveils winners in biennial juried show
New comedy tackles chasing dreams and finding love
Performances will kick off with a dinner and show fundraiser for Kenaitze tribe
Annual International Fly Fishing Film Festival returns to Kenai
The Kenai City Council voted last summer to conditionally donate a 2-acre parcel of city land near Daubenspeck Park and the Kenai Walmart
‘The Woman King’ is a standout that breaks new ground
Kenai Art Center will host its annual Harvest Auction this weekend, juried art show next month
Kenai Performers’ new play takes aim at ‘not the most glorious part of womanhood’
Homer Documentary Film Festival returns for 18th year with solid mix
The Sacred Acre music festival will run Sept. 9-11 at the Kenai Peninsula Fairgrounds
A feature-length documentary on efforts to rebuild Triumvirate debuts this weekend
Festival includes a mix of live and virtual events