Schools briefs for the week of Sept. 15, 2019

Schools briefs for the week of Sept. 15, 2019

What’s happening this week

  • Saturday, September 14, 2019 11:39pm
  • News

Kenai Middle School

It’s Spirit Week this week.

Today is PJ day. Tuesday is Hat day. Wednesday is ‘80s day. Thursday is Sport day. Friday is KMS Spirit day!

It’s always a competition to outdo the staff! It’s on Kossacks!

On Tuesday, Sept. 17 KMS Soccer teams will play here at KMS against Skyview. Games begin at 3 p.m.

We have our first early release day of the year on Wednesday, Sept. 18. The school day ends at 12:57 p.m. Buses will accommodate the early release schedule.

On Thursday, Sept. 19, soccer teams will play their last home game against Nikiski. Make sure you make plans to stay and cheer on your fellow Kossacks!

On Friday, Sept. 20, our Kossack Cross country running team will compete right here at KMS. We are looking for snack donations for the race. You can drop off individually packaged snacks or fruit here at the office or you can contact Coach Gann if you have questions regarding what’s needed. We are always looking for volunteers as well so if you are available, please give Coach Gann a call.

We will end this week with our first Activity Night and Dance on Friday night from 6-8 p.m.

Soldotna High School

Upcoming Counseling Department Events at SoHi:

Post-Secondary Planning night on Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Soldotna High School Library. All grades are welcome!

Financial Aid Night on Monday, Sept. 30 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Soldotna High School Library. This is geared towards seniors and their parents.

College and Career Fair is held at Kenai Central High School on Tuesday, Oct. 15. See Counselors for more information about this event.

FAFSA opens Oct. 1.

FAFSA Night: If you need help with your FAFSA, the Soldotna High School Counseling Department is offering two FAFSA nights where the financial advisors from KPC will be present. This is a chance for students and parents to ask questions and get help filling out the FAFSA. First FAFSA night: is Wednesday, Oct. 9 from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Soldotna High School Library. FAFSA night #2: is Monday, Nov. 18 from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Soldotna High School Library.

The after-school tutoring buses will start running on Sept.3. There are two buses that leave at 4:15 p.m. You must be on the route list to ride the bus. See Ms. Wear in the library to find out more information and or get on the bus list. You can also email her at or call 260-7036, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Soldotna Stars Letterman Jackets are available to order at http: Click on Varsity Jackets, find our school by State, select Soldotna High School, starting at $149 you can personalize it anyway you would like. Makes a great Christmas gift!

SoHi Pool Schedule

M,W,F Morning Lap 6:30-7:30 a.m.

Sport Calendar — http: Teams?entityId=21192 or http:

There are two ways to order a transcript. Each way serves a different purpose.

If you need a transcript sent to a college or NCAA or a similar agency, then you will need to log on to: http: to order transcripts to be sent. The request is then forwarded to SoHi. After processing, it then goes through cyberspace — rather than the US mail — to get to its destination, which is much faster! ALL transcripts that are headed for NCAA, colleges, etc. have to be processed this way!

FINAL TRANSCRIPTS! A final transcript is one that shows your second semester grades. If you order your transcript when we are IN second semester, you will need to make sure you choose “next grading period” when you go on to Parchment, that way your transcript request will wait until the grades are in at the end of the year before it is sent.

Mountain View Elementary

All Mountain View students will be dismissed at 1:55 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 18. This early release day allows grade level teachers to begin collaborating early in the afternoon and then continue after normal release time as part of their scheduled staff meeting time. Bus schedules have been adjusted to accommodate this early release and students will be arriving home approximately 90 minutes earlier than normal.

The 30-day grace period for Free and Reduced meal benefits will end on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Students who do not have a new application in and approved will have to bring a sack lunch or bring $3 for a hot lunch. Please allow up to 10 working days for an application to be processed. Applications are available at the office.

Redoubt Elementary

Fundraiser packets for our Believe Fundraiser went home last Friday, for additional information please reach out to Mrs. Hale.

Early release Sept. 18 at 1:45 p.m., Boys and Girls club will open after school, busses will be running 90 minutes early, please make sure your child knows how they are getting home on that day.

Congratulations to all of our summer reading participates that read over the summer: Mrs. Avery, Mr. Moos, Mr. Stitt, Mrs. Hassemer, Mr. Franchino, Mr. Brantley, Mrs. Landess, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. Roed, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Arthur, Mrs. Pelletier, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Belger, Mrs. Willets, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Hale, Ms. Sweeney, Levi, Frederickson, Kaden Hayes, Mereidi Mika, Gus Reimer, Ziyon Stitt, Thomas Frederickson, Korra Lepule, Lorraine Romatz, Peyton Barber, Conner Morris, Io Mika, Journey Abbott, Addelyn Oberts, Brendan Frey, Natalie Stewart, Isabella Morales, Sequoia Joachim, Gabriel Belger, Joshua Frederickson, Brayden Barber, Sienna Smith, Addie Hunter, Lex Edwards, Katara Lepule, Noah Bossie, Natalee Strouse, Kenneth Fine, Chloe Eck, Lois Frederickson, Nathan Powell, Banyan Joachim, Araunah Stitt, Kathryn Cox, Michael Moran, Sariah Barrett, Noah Frederickson, Koda Lepule, Emily O’Reagan, Owen Buckbee, Lydia Fidai, and Avery Powell. We will be having a pizza party at a later date for all these summer readers. Keep up the good work!

If you were unable to stop in to the fall registration please stop by the school to fill out this year’s mandatory paperwork.


Dates To Remember:

Sept. 19: Homer Connections School Pictures at Paul Banks Elementary School 1p.m. — 3p.m.

Sept. 20: HOMER Wynn Nature Center Fall Exploration: 1:30 — 3:30 Grades K-4 (more info below)

Sept. 20: High School Eligibility Due

Oct. 2: School Pictures at Seward Middle School – Time TBD (Most likely in the morning)

Oct. 4: Central Peninsula School Pictures at Borough Building 3-5; Alaska Rural Water Assoc. 2019 Water Conservation Poster Contest Deadline (more info below)

Oct. 10: 1:20-1:55 ADF&G Salmon Egg Take at Anchor River (more info below)

Oct. 16: PSAT Homer & Soldotna Office (more info below)

Oct. 17: High School Eligibility Due

Oct. 24: Homer Connections School Picture Retakes at Paul Banks Elementary School 1-3 p.m.

Nov. 8: AVTEC Tour (more info below)

Nov. 13: School Picture Retakes at Seward Middle School — Time TBD

Nov. 15: Central Peninsula School Picture Retakes at Borough Building 3-5 p.m.

Nov. 15: High School Eligibility Due

Dec. 13: Semester Reports Due

Central Peninsula Gym Time: Connections organized gym time will start back up in October so please be on the lookout for those dates. In the meantime, the Kenai Recreation Center has free gym time set aside for home-school students every Tuesday from 12-2 p.m. Please remember to wear non-skid sole shoes and if you have any questions you can call our office at 714-8880.

Homer SPARC Gym Time: Come join other Connections Homeschool kids every Wednesday 1:30-2:30 p.m. at the SPARC for basketball, pickleball, soccer, and just plain running around! This is a free event, but students must check in with SPARC every week, so please go online and create an account if you don’t have one already. http: schedule Questions? Please contact Derek Bynagle or 226-1880.

HOMER: Learn to Tie Knots: Friday, Sept. 13, from 2-3 p.m. Come join the Homer Connections office in learning to tie knots. The first part of the lesson will be reading a story about knot tying, then students will have a chance to practice knots, and each participant will go home with their own practice pamphlet. If you have questions please contact Joanna Fonkert

HOMER Wynn Nature Center Fall Exploration: Join Connections staff from 1:30-3:30p.m. on Sept. 20, Grades K-4 for the CACS Naturalists. Volunteers will lead your students in activities at the Wynn Nature Center that focus on the adaptations and lives of plants. Be prepared for two hours of outdoors activities. Dress in layers and bring a rain jacket and hat. Trails may be muddy. $5 per person.

HOMER: Silver Salmon Egg Take at the Anchor River: As part of the “Salmon in the Classroom” program, ADF&G invites students to participate in the silver salmon egg take at the Anchor River. The short presentation will be from 1:20-1:55 p.m., and students will meet at the first parking lot to the right off of Anchor River Road. Directions: turn on to the Old Sterling Highway (next to the Anchor River Inn), cross the wooden bridge, take a right on Anchor River Road, first parking lot to the right. To sign up or for more information please contact Derek Bynagle

AVTEC Tour: All Connections High School Students are invited to attend a free guided tour, lunch included, of AVTEC in Seward on Friday, Nov. 8. AVTEC offers a variety of educational programs such as: Construction, Welding, Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Maritime Studies, Electronics, Culinary Arts and many other courses.

Please visit the AVTEC website at https: and take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the programs available. Lunch will be provided so please RSVP Reubin Payne at or call the Connections office at 907-714-8880.

WHEN: Friday, Nov. 8 at 10 a.m.

WHERE: AVTEC — 519 4th Ave., in the auditorium on the 2nd floor


Sports Schedule this week:

Tuesday, Sept. 17: Soccer Skyview vs. Kenai at Kenai — 3 p.m.

Tuesday, Sept. 17: Soccer B Skyview vs. Kenai at Kenai — 3 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 20: Soccer Skyview vs. Homer at Skyview — 3 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 20: Soccer B Skyview vs. Homer at Skyview — 3 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 20: Cross Country Running — Kenai Invitational — 3 p.m.

EARLY RELEASE FOR STUDENTS: Wednesday, Sept. 18 — Skyview Middle School will end the school day at 1 p.m. Bus schedules have been adjusted to accommodate this time change.

Basketball Open Gym — Every Tuesday from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Open to all Middle School Athletes, Boys and Girls. Boys will go later then Girls but are welcome to attend during earlier session. Please contact Mr. Patat for more information.

Morning Tutoring is available for all students Tuesday through Friday with Mrs. Johnson from 7-7:45 a.m.

Important: Current contact information is essential for effective communication with parents guardians during the school day. If a student has a change in address or phone number, please contact the front office to update.

Did you know that September is National Hunger Action month? The Panther Student Council is taking action by hosting a Sept. Snack Drive Sept. 12-20.

The Kenai Peninsula Food Bank is in need of snack choices to offer clients who may not have cooking facilities. Suggested donation items include: fruit cups, applesauce cups, fruit snacks, dried fruit, raisins, tomato juice, juice boxes, canned fruit with pull-tab lids, pudding cups, granola bars, protein bars, cereal bars, cheese crackers, crackers and pretzels, beef jerky and meat sticks. All donations should be individually packaged for distribution. Donations can be dropped off in the bin at the Skyview Middle School front office or at Mrs. Pothast’s Room, C106.

Thank you for your willingness to help our neighbors in need!

The Panther Student Council would like to thank all those who attended the first Activity Night of the school year! Special thanks to all the teachers, staff, and parents who volunteered at the event! We couldn’t do it without you — THANK YOU! Congratulations to our Limbo Contest winners: Reagan Gibbs & Kaytlin McAnelly and Grayden Musgrave, Corey Lewis & Jacob Strausbaugh. Candy Jar Guessing winners were: Jacob Christensen, Andrew Arthur, Hailey Stonecipher, Alyssa McDonald & Thornton Smith. Special thanks to Odom Corporation — Coca Cola of the Kenai Peninsula for their donation of product for the Soda Bottle Ring Toss. Mrs. Pothast would like to give a special shout out to all of the Student Council members who stepped up in a big way to host this event! You all are ROCK STARS! Thank you!

For more Skyview news, visit the Skyview Middle School Blog at http: skyviewmiddleschool.blogs.kpbsd.k12.ak.uswpmu or Like Us on Facebook!

K-Beach Elementary

Mr. Daniels and Mrs. Klaben’s classes are headed to Slikok Creek this week to kick off their Adopt-A-Stream program this year. Megan from the Kenai Watershed Forum will be presenting the program details to the students on Monday and then she will take them to the Creek on the following days. Students will be learning how to test, monitor, and care for our fragile watersheds.

To explore US geography, Mrs. Baker’s 4th grade classroom is connecting with other students around the U.S. They’ve just sent their first letters to their pen pals in Ohio and hosted their first mystery skype with a class from Arizona.

Nikiski Middle High School

Tuesday, Sept. 17 : High School Volleyball at Nikiski vs. Kenai — C Team 3 JV 4 Varsity 5

Wednesday, Sept. 18: EARLY RELEASE — Students released at 12:45 p.m.; Site Council Meeting — 4 p.m.

Thursday, Sept. 19: Middle School Soccer at Nikiski vs. Kenai — 3 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 20: High School Football at Nikiski vs. Houston — 5 p.m.; High School Volleyball Varsity at West Spiketacular; High School Volleyball JV at Wasilla Tournament; Middle School Soccer at Nikiski vs. Seward — 3 p.m.

Middle School X-Country at Kenai — 3 p.m.

Saturday, Sept. 21: High School Volleyball Varsity at West Spiketacular; High School Volleyball JV at Wasilla Tournament

High School X-Country at Soldotna Tsalteshi Trails — 12 p.m.

There will be a Financial Aid Information Night for seniors and their parents on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. in the library. KPC Financial Aid Specialist will present and answer any questions. Dinner will be provided.

Homecoming will be held on Saturday, Oct. 5.

Order your yearbook now at The price is $50 now, but will go up in January.


The Life Skill we are focusing on this week is Truthfulness — To be honest about things and feelings with oneself and others.

Check out the electronic bulletin board in the entryway for all upcoming events and meetings.

Wednesday, Sept. 18: 2:10 p.m. Early Release — School will be dismissed at 2:10 p.m. today and buses will run 90 minutes earlier; 4:15 APC Meeting in the Library.

Thursday, Sept. 19: 5:30 p.m. Kindergarten Connections and Potluck, look for information in Friday folders for this event.

Sept. 25: 6:30 a.m., 5th grade will be going to Exit Glacier. All 5th grade students will need to bring a sack lunch.

Oct. 1-3: Fire Prevention week, student will be learning about fire safety

Oct. 14: 1 and 2nd grade end of quarter celebrations at 6 p.m.

Oct. 15: Picture Retakes; 5th grade will be joining the KCHS Choir Concert at 6 p.m.

Oct. 16: 2:10 p.m. Early Release — School will be dismissed at 2:10 p.m. today and buses will run 90 minutes earlier;

Oct. 17: 3rd and 4th grade end of quarter celebrations at 6 p.m.

Oct. 18: End of Quarter — No School


Study trips are already scheduled so watch for student permission forms. If you’d like to volunteer on a trip, you need to be an approved volunteer. Two steps are required each school year to be approved. Go to http: wp.m.u volunteers and click the link to the background check. This may take two weeks for approval to be returned. Our Volunteer training is our second step, dates will be announced soon.

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