School Briefs

School board to meet

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education meets at 7 p.m. in the borough building at 148 N. Binkley Street in Soldotna (unless otherwise noted). For more information, call 907-714-8888 or visit The agenda and packet items are posted on Wednesday afternoon prior to the date of the Board Meeting.

Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate at School Board meetings should contact Debbie Tressler at 907-714-8836 or email no later than three business days before the meeting date. The board will meet:

■ April 14;

■ May 5 (at Seward High School);

■ June 2;

■ June 3 (Board Planning Session).

Early release dates for KPBSD schools

Six times throughout the academic year, on a Wednesday, schools will meet the minimum day, so that teachers may have approximately 90 minutes of additional time to work on improvement strategies. On these early release dates, school will end 90 minutes earlier. Bus transportation will be adjusted by 90 minutes. Upcoming early release date is: April 16.

Take a break

Friday is a vacation day for Kenai Peninsula Borough School District schools. There is no school.

Career and Tech training offered

KPBSD Career and Tech Department is offering free after school academies to train students in the Welding, Construction and Medical Field.

There will be a summer construction academy at the Workforce Development Center (located behind KCHS). Students will be constructing a greenhouse and a shed. Class days will be May 28-30 and June 2-6 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Also offered this summer is an Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT) academy. Dates and times TBA. This course will cover all areas required to receive certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. The last week of class will be for review and the final exam. If you pass the exam you’ll receive your certification and an ETT patch.

Any high school student is able to participate in any of our academies. If a student successfully completes the 60 hour academy they will receive one-half practical art credit.

To sign up go to or for more information call Debbie Pearson at 283-2145 or students can see there counselor.

Funding for the Alaska Construction Academies comes from a grant from the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development and the Alaska Youth First Program.

The Study

Registration for Summer Courses starts April 14. Summer courses include general summer school for grades K-8, Junior High Math, Study Skills, Academic Kinder Prep. Mastery of Multiplication and Alaska Studies for Credit. The Study is offering Private Pilot Ground School starting April 17. Call for more details. 262-6227. Visit with The Study at the Idea Curriculum Fair, April 16 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

The Study will be holding Kindergarten Visitation for next year’s incoming Kindergarteners and Pre-K students from 1-2 p.m. on May 16. Students can participate in an hour of school while parents register.

Connections Homeschool

■ April: Enrollment for 2014/2015 begins April 14. Please make an enrollment appointment with your advisor.

■ Tuesday — Seniors: All correspondence courses & finals need to be finalized

■ Wednesday — Soldotna Connections Easter Egg Hunt 2-3 p.m.

■ Thursday — High School Eligibility Due

■ April 28-29 — Safe Sitter Class 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

■ April 28-May 16 — Ed Performance Testing for 6th, 7th and 8th

■ April 29 — Connections Talent Show; Alaska Construction Career Days at Soldotna Regional Sports Complex. Registration Required. Students in Grades 9-12 Can Apply

■ April 30 — Last Day To Turn In Connections Reimbursement Forms

■ May 1-16 — AIMS/CBM Testing K-5 – Call to set up appointment

■ May 1 — Kenai Fjords Marine Science Field Trip

■ May 6-7 — Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies Overnight Field Trip to Petersen Bay Field Station

■ May 6 — Salmon Celebration

■ May 16 — Seniors: turn in semester reports and return all equipment

■ May 19 — 2nd Semester grade report Due and High School Eligibility Due

■ May 22 — Connections Graduation Day

Masonic Student: We would like to send our congratulations to Heather ‘Mika’ Morton who is the recipient of the Masonic Student Award for the 2013/2014 school year. This award focuses on academic excellence, student leadership, and character traits. The award presentation is April 25 at 6 p.m., Kenai High School. Again, congratulations to Mika and her family. Way to go and we are all very proud of you!

Soldotna Connections Easter Egg Hunt: The Soldotna Connections Office is hosting an Easter Egg hunt on Wednesday. It will be from 2-3 p.m. outside next to our office, so please wear appropriate clothing. Remember: bring your boots, warm cloths, super sleuth eyes and we hope to see you here!

April Safe Sitter Course: There is another safe sitter class offered April 28-29 from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. This class is very informative and offers hands on training for general care to emergency care. Preparing our children for what to do in case of an emergency is so important. Children need to be between the ages of 11 and 13 to attend. Each class has room for 13 students. The cost is $50 and may be reimbursable by Connections. Each child will receive a backpack with tools that they will know how to use upon completion of the class. For more information go to or click on quick links, go to community programs and click on safe sitter. Please register early to attend. For more information please contact Marcia Knowlton 598-0950(Instructor/Parent contact) or Sheila or Roberta 714-4775(Hospital contacts). Please feel free to invite other homeschool families who are not currently with Connections.

Salmon Celebration – Johnson Lake: The “Salmon Celebration” will be held at Johnson Lake State Campground in Kasilof on May 6. Grades K-3 are invited to attend from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and Grades 4-6 should attend between 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. It takes about 1 1/2 – 2 hours to do all the activities. Please remember that all Connections students need to have a parent in attendance. Great lunch locations can be found throughout the campground!

Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science

■ Monday — Registration Week for new students for the 2014-2015 school yearl; Spring Pictures-sibling pictures will be taken from noon-1 p.m.; 2-2:45 p.m. is Kindergarten visitation; 4 p.m. APC work session

■ Tuesday — 10:45-11:30 a.m. is Kindergarten visitation

■ Wednesday — School will dismiss at 2:10 p.m. and buses will arrive 90 minutes earlier than normally scheduled; 3rd and 4th grade will be going on a Being There trip to the beach.; D.A.R.E for the 5th/6th grade classes; 9:30-10:15 a.m. and 10:45-11:30 a.m. is Kindergarten visitation.

Kalifornsky Beach Elementary

Hudson Metcalf, 6th grade, has been selected from K-Beach to receive the Kenai Peninsula Masonic Outstanding Student Award. Hudson demonstrates strong academic performance, respect for self and others, as well as excellence in problem-solving and decision-making skills. Congratulations!

First graders had Spring Centers last Friday. We should have our chicken eggs hatch this week. The students are so excited! We will attend the book fair this week. Please send money if you want your child to shop. Ms. Liz will be back this week to teach us some new art techniques.

Second graders in Mrs. McCoy’s class are busy creating a classroom zoo. Throughout the past week, they’ve used and other great resources to learn about their favorite animal. Once they are ready, students will use their newfound knowledge about their animal to create a Powerpoint and a diorama to share with K-2 studens in the building.

Mr. Daniels’s class is wrapping up their study of energy by participating in round robin energy stations. Student groups will become “experts” at the first station they come to and then take on the lead role as other groups come to learn from the station. There are six stations total and a big thank you to the parents who helped during this fun learning time.

Jump rope for Heart will be April 21-22 during out PE time. Please turn in your fundraising packet at that time. Please see Mrs. Bagley if you can help with this event. This is a great community service event that educates our children about Heart Disease and how the American Heart Association is striving to promote healthy hearts.

K-Beach will be holding Kindergarten Visitation for next year’s incoming kindergarteners on April 16 from 1:30–2:30 p.m. Your child can ‘go to school’ for an hour while parents meet with the principal and register. You can pre-register your child at that time. You will need to bring the student’s immunization records and birth certificate. Students must be born before Sept. 1, 2009 to attend next fall. Please call the school office at 260-1300 for more information and to schedule your child for visitation day.

■ April 21 – 5th and 6th grade visitation to Kenai Middle School

Kenai Middle

Mt View visitation is this week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. K-Beach Elementary and Kaleidoscope will be here April 21.

■ Wednesday — School will be dismissed at 12:57pm.

■ April 21 — Spring Open House and barbeque for our new, incoming students and those who are interested in having a student attend KMS. This is a good time to come check out Kenai Middle School and see all that our school has to offer.

It is time to start collecting aluminum cans. Students that bring in a full garbage bag of crushed cans will get first choice of mini-courses. Aluminum can collection will begin on April 15. Bags of cans are not allowed to be transported on the bus so students will need to make arrangements to transport their cans to school.

Congratulations to last week’s Character Counts award winners: Charlie Moonin and Brandon Richmeier. Great Job!

Mountain View Elementary

Congratulations to Mr. Kircher! He has been selected as our new Principal for next year.

Mountain View Elementary early Kindergarten registration for the 2014-2015 school year open is now open. Students must be 5 years old by Sept. 1. Registration forms may be picked up at the Mountain View Office. Kindergarten Parent Orientation will be on April 24. Registered students will be invited to visit a Kindergarten classroom on April 29.

Applications are available for the 2014-2015 Mountain View Pre-K Program. Screenings for this program will be held at the Kenai Community Library on April 15. In order to be considered, a child must be 4 years old by Sept. 1 and have a completed application returned to Mountain View Elementary. Screenings will be scheduled after applications are brought back to the school. For information please call 283-8600.

■ Wednesday — Students will be dismissed at 1:55 PM.; “Character Day.” Students may dress up as their favorite character.

■ Thursday — Kindergarten concert at 2 p.m. in the gym at Mountain View.

■ April 22 — 4th & 5th grade spring concert from 6-7 p.m. at the KCHS auditorium.

Nikiski North Star Elementary

There will be a site council meeting today at 3:45 p.m. in the staff lounge. If you would like to apply to be on the NNS site council for the 2014-15 school year, applications can be found in our monthly newsletter. NNS recognizes the importance of school, home and community. The purpose of the site council is to give input and guidance into decisions in the school. Please call the office at 776-2600 for more information if you are interested in serving on the council.

Our Spring music concert will be held on Tuesday at the Nikiski Middle High School Auditorium. The performers will be students in 3rd-5th grades and will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Thursday — Spring Picture Day at NNS. Sibling pictures will be at 12:30 p.m. in the library. Picture packets have been sent home with students and are also available in the office.

Title 1 Pre-K screening appointments will take place on Thursday, April 17th at the Nikiski Recreation Center. Please contact NNS to receive an application and your screening appointment will be made when your application is received by the school. Applications must be submitted to the office by Wednesday, April 16th. All eligible students must be 4 years old by Sept. 1.

Nikiski Middle-High

Wednesday — Early Release. This will be the last Early Release day for this school year. Schools will meet the minimum day, leaving teachers with approximately ninety minutes of additional time to work on improvement strategies. School will end at 12:45 p.m. Bus transportation will be adjusted by ninety minutes.

Thursday — Middle School Track at Kenai Middle School, 3:00 p.m.

Friday — High School Track at Homer Invite; Soccer at Houston, Girls Varsity at 2:00 p.m., Boys Varsity at 4:00 p.m.

Saturday— High School Track at Homer Invite

Redoubt Elementary

Each spring we provide parents the opportunity to provide input into the classroom placement of their child for the following school year. This input can be very helpful to the school staff when placing students into classes. Placement decisions for each student will be finalized by Mr. Pothast, classroom teachers and the school’s Intervention Team. If you have questions about the placement process, please see Mr. Pothast. So that your input may be considered during the placement process, input forms are available at the school web site and at the school office. Forms must be returned to the school office no later than April 25, at 4 p.m. Forms returned after that date will not able to be considered in the placement process.

All volunteers must be registered with the school district prior to volunteering in classrooms/driving on field trips. Field trip drivers must complete a driver form and submit required documentation when driving on school related field trips. Please contact the school office for additional information or go to click on volunteer link and follow the instructions.

Redoubt’s 4th grade classes will be selling ice cream every Friday through the month of April to raise money for their spring field trip to the Kenai Fjords. Ice cream prices range between .75cents and $2.

Ms. Amy Utecht was selected as a BP teacher of Excellence. She gets $500 for herself and another $500 for our school. Ms. Utecht is also in the running for BP teacher of the year. Way to go Ms. Utecht, the staff and students at Redoubt appreciate your hard work and dedication.

Redoubt Elementary 2014/2015 Preschool applications may be picked up at the school office. Children must be 4 years old by Sept. 1.

Screening for this program will be held at the Soldotna Public Library on April 29. In order to be considered, a child must be 4 years on Sept. 1 and have a completed application returned to Redoubt Elementary. Screenings will be scheduled after applications are brought to the school. For information please call 260-4300.

Kindergarten Visitation and Orientation for kindergarteners starting school in the fall will be held Thursday 9:30-10:30 a.m. at Redoubt. This informal meeting will be an opportunity for the parents and students to meet our kindergarten teachers and principal. We hope you can join us. We want to make sure that your child’s first year in school will be a wonderful experience.

Spring book fair – April 28–May 2. Buy one book and get the other book free.

Last week’s Box Tops for Education winners were, Jesse Allen, Emma Knowles, JD Newby and Triston Dubbs. Keep turning those Box Tops for Education.

■ April 24 — Site Council at 4 p.m.

Skyview High

Skyview track team was at “The Big C Relays”. The girls relay team of Haillie Landess, Jessie McNamara, Hayley Ramsell, and Kaylee Fisher finished 2nd in the 400 meter relay. Micah Hilbish was 3rd in the 400, Tim Duke won the 110 and 300 meter hurdles, and placed 2nd in the long jump.

The following musicians qualified for the state solo and ensemble festival: Jeremiah Hudson, Jayce Kemp, Logan Schoessler, and Caitlin Sturman – trumpet quartet, Brendan Hanson – trombone solo, Taylor Johnson – trombone solo, Josh Henderson and Phillip Lawton – snare drum duet, Liz McGlothen – soprano solo, Mykaela Rybak – soprano solo, and Leah Henderson and Ashley Martin – vocal duet.

Skyview students have the opportunity to attend a field trip to the Alaska Vocational and Technical Center (AVTEC) to learn more about the educational and training programs offered there. The field trip will take place on Thursday, April 17th, and the cost of the trip is $5 per student. Students can pick up a permission slip in the counseling office or from their College and Career Guide. Hurry, space is limited.

Third quarter honor roll:

4.021-4.00 GPA

Grade 9 — Evelyn Burnett; Grade 10 — Annamarieka Chythlook, Taylor Fields-Jones, Shayla Hardcastle, Meghan Ussing, Nathaniel Yannikos; Grade 11 — Lana Chesley, Elizabeth Davis, Aurora Derflinger, Emily Dipaolo, Sage Link, Coltin Yancey; Grade 12 — Tiffany Allen, Hannah Glaves, Michelle Hall, Brittany Hollers, Amanda Hudson, Elizabeth McGlothen, Sky Schlung, Dylan Webb

3.99-3.50 GPA

Grade 9 ­— Arianna Burcham, Alexandrea Followell, Jasmyn Foust, Brendan Hanson, Dakota Hupp, Jayce Kemp, Talon Musgrave, Logan Schoessler, Selena Stem, Caitlin Sturman, Jacob Sundberg; Grade 10 — Sage Hill, Kaytlynn Malone, Jessica Ramirez, Sierra Reynolds, Haylee Vroman, Jayden Zimmer; Grade 11 — Mara Browning, Dustin Buerkel, Kassidy Day, Sabrina Garman, Charles Gibbons, Heidi Goodwin, Irelynn Hesse, Serene Hobbs, Bailey Jones, Emma Landeis, Mauro Lotito, Hannah Mayo, Shelby Rae; Grade 12 — Abby Cook, Derrick Linthicum, Victoria Oberts, Samantha Reynolds, Brandon Rice, Catherine Schoessler

3.49-3.00 GPA

Grade 9 — Rebecca Gamble, Heather Engle, Carajean Gibbons, Judah Harshman, Renee Hinz, Collin Lindley, Al Maal, Carlene Marshall, Alicia McLelland, Karrie Olson, Brice Peters, Dylan Stockdale, Jaryn Tanner, Roy Taylor, Taeryn Thomas; Grade 10 — Christin Alexie,Jesse Boze, Lillian Denison, Stephanie Dolan, Julia Fields-Jones, Sabrina Hames, Chance Roberts, Jacy Rouse, Denali Schultz, Rachel Shassetz, Haley Trefon, Scott Wertz

Grade 11 — Bailey Blumentritt, Caitlin Gamble, Jeremiah, Hudson, Taylor Johnson, Brookylnn Kean, Tristin Kruse, Austin Laber, Tyler Lewis, Hayley Ramsell, Evan Sempson, Heather Tolliver, Heath Tucker, Sean Turvin, Taylor Wilson, Ryan Winter; Grade 12 — Dakota Bittick, Carlos Casares, Delora Chesley, Emma Everett, Jeremy Hinz, Cheyanne Laber, Breanna Lahndt, Taylor Macrae, Eric Marlowe, Kierstyn Matthews, Iisha Oftedal, Joanna Padgett, Mykaela Rybak, Bradyn Tanner, Tyla Young

Soldotna Elementary

A change has been made to our Reading Counts Contest Celebration. We have moved the celebration up a week to May 9, so the actual contest will end on May 2. Kids are still reading and taking quizzes for points. Last week’s winners were the following students: Alexxis Medley, Willow Duffy, Eli Corbett, Alyssa Almeida, Eddie Goans, Aryanna Schneider, Thsheaiy Sullivan, Olivia Davis, Brody Reger, and Katie Creglow. Great job, kids. Just 4 weeks to go.

Parents of After The Bell students: The After the Bell program will close down at the end of this school year and will not reopen in the fall. The program has experienced declining revenue in both fees and donations, and there are no longer sufficient funds to continue operating beyond the end of the current school year. By the end of March, there will be enough funds to see them through to the end of this school year. There will be no fee charged for the months of April or May for any student who has been a registered participant during the current school year.

Wednesday — Students will be dismissed at 1:55 p.m., and bus schedules will be adjusted by 90 minutes. No afternoon class for Mrs. Cannava’s preschoolers that day.

Last Friday we honored our amazing volunteers at a luncheon in our library. These men and women graciously volunteer their time and talents for our students every day. We are thankful for their hard work, their patience, perseverance, and wonderful, positive attitudes. Thank you all!

Grades 4 – 5 -6: Basseo & Trebleet concert on April 30 at 6 p.m. in the gym

Congratulations to our Forensic classroom winners who competed in a contest a couple weeks ago. These students will be performing for the entire school at an assembly today. Butterflies, anybody?

The PTA meets tonight, Monday. Come and join us at 3:45 p.m. in the library. We provide childcare.

Congratulations to Sophia Perez-Bailon, the winner of last week’s box top drawing. Keep collecting those Box Tops for Education coupons. Write your child’s name on the back, and deposit in the can on the front counter at the office. Each Friday we have a drawing, and the winner gets a treat at lunchtime. Thanks for helping our school.

April 26 is the day that a volunteer is going to pick up all the aluminum cans we’ve collected and deliver them to the Soldotna Landfill. Please bring us your cans (in bags) for recycling. Thank you.

Soldotna Middle

Many thanks to our Breakfast Program volunteers for all that they do, but especially for their extraordinary efforts during testing week! Volunteers donated fruit, came in extra early and stayed late to cook up eggs, sausage and all kinds of great breakfast items for our students to be sure they had an awesome start to their testing days! This program would not be possible without the generous help of our volunteers and support of our program donors. Thank you!

Please mark your calendar:

Wednesday — early release for students. Students at Soldotna Middle School will end the school day at 12:45 p.m. Bus schedules will be adjusted to accommodate this time change. For complete details regarding this schedule change, please visit the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Website at

Thursday — Track meet, Homer Invitational at Homer, 3:00 p.m. (location change)

April 21 — Final Site Council Meeting at Soldotna Middle School Staff Lounge, 3:40 p.m.

Show your Spartan Spirit this Week!

Monday – Crazy Socks/Hats Day

Tuesday – Super Hero Day

Wednesday – Favorite Team or Sport Day

Thursday – Spartan Spirit Day – wear school colors!

The 25th Annual KPBSD Visual Feast Student Art Show features art work from around the district – Students representing Soldotna Middle: Fiona Boze (1st Ceramics), Kindle Williams (2nd Painting), Darby McMillan (3rd Painting), Rachel Seneff (1st Drawing), Cody Little (1st Painting), Ella Stenga (2nd Sculpture, 3rd Ceramics), Portia Padilla, Madeline Kindred, Sara Baktuit (1st Sculpture), Kristina Bybee (1st Open), Elizabeth Conner (3rd Open), Athalia Quiner (2nd Open) and Korie Gilmore (Best of Show). Please visit the Kenai Fine Arts Guild in Kenai until April 20 to see the show! The Guild is open Wednesday-Saturday 12-5pm.

Spartan Student Council is looking for artistic representations of Soldotna Middle School history in any medium. Creations will be on display during the Spartan History Celebration happening in conjunction with the 2nd Annual Art Showcase on Thursday, May 1st from 6pm to 7:30pm. If you are interested in contributing, please see Mrs. Pothast for more details. Submissions are due by 2:15pm on Friday, April 25th.

Students of the Month for March 2014

Language Arts – Rylan Burrows, Thomas Brown, Jayden Kemp, Delaney Risley; Reading – Katrina Bearup, Isaiah Thomas; American History – Myra Love, Reid Casey, Emily Jackson, Charles Meyer; World History – Thomas Brown; Science – Hunter Crosby, Cheyenne Groff, Katelynn Kimes, Athalia Quiner, Sam McElroy, Andrea Rodriguez, Joseph Tre Rybak, Charles Meyer, Brandon Crowder; Health – Aliann Schmidt, Landen Dewitt, Hannah Delker, Lucius Anderson, Trinity Bower; Physical Education – Tres Faucher, Ryder Pietro, Tehya Foust, Carsen Brown, Aliann Schmidt, Cassie Haeg, Mariah Mattfield, Kalyn McGillvray, Grace Graham, Talon Hagen, Portia Padilla, Emily Pieh, Delaney Risley, Koby Vinson, Hannah Wells, Denali Wurst, Trayton Bird, Rachel Davidson, Derek Evans, Brenner Furlong, Kealy Hendricks, Jaela Hubbard, Sam McElroy, Hannah Noyes, Logan Schrader, Vanessa Steiner, Chance Turvin, Sean Verg In; Math – Sharon Childsdress White, Titan Farrell, Angel Joseph Matumeak, Kambree Whittom, Cora Carter, Ashlyn Vehmeier, Christy Satterwhite, Loren Melovedoff; Math Study Skills – Blaze Gardiner, Sam Skolnick, Lucius Anderson, Bronwyn Keen, Ruby Willoya Williams, Javan King, Taylor Speakman; Study Skills – Haven Best, River Kitchens, Dorothy Kreider, Tucker Budak, Oliver Doucet, Sean Verg In; Career – Tovia Bremond Hilton; Business Info – Mirricale George Mills, Titan Farrell; Robotics – Wyatt Harvey; Computer Tech – Emily Books; Digital Photo 2 – Shayla Blischke; Construction – Colleen Yeskie, Aidan Whitney, Paige Kruse, Kevin Tautfest, Brittany Taylor, Jeffreyna Tubbs, Levi Wahl, Bryan Parmentier, Darby McMillan, Nicolas Horning, Brandon Kroto; Woods 1 – Kennedy Holland, Cassie Haeg; Woods 2 – Sam McElroy, Kaley Hunter, Eli Sheridan, Fiona Boze, Noah Deutsch, Maguire Merriman, Cody Moore, Logan Smith, Sean Verg In; Spanish 1 – Kallie Kenner; Spanish 2 – Shaylynn Zener, Sam McElroy; Choir – Mckenzie Hale; Band – Calvin Mitzel; Drumline – Thomas Brown; Aide – Dalton McWhorter, Daniel Grubb; Jobs – Tanner Brooks; Testing – Cody Hemphill; Social Skills – Ethan Schneider

Soldotna High

The Girls 4A Basketball team scored the highest Combined GPA average of 3.92 for the State Academic Achievement for 2013-2014.

Graduation is May 19 at 7 p.m. at the Sports Center.

On Tuesday Soldotna High School will be hosting a Post-secondary Planning Night for juniors and below. Students and parents are encouraged to attend to learn more about preparing for college and career training. The event will begin at 6 p.m. in the SoHi library and dinner from Subway will be provided. For further questions contact Emily Cotton, College and Career Guide, at 260-7083 or

Higher Expectations Greater Success Parent Guide (Alaska Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics) is now available at the front office. Alaska’s standards in English and math set high expectations for students from kindergarten to grade 12.

Tustumena Elementary

■ Tuesday — PTO Meeting, 4 p.m.

■ Wednesday — Pre-K Screening

■ Thursday — Dessert Bingo, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.

■ April 28 — Site Council Meeting, 4 p.m.

■ May 1 — Kindergarten Visitation (for those kindergarten students that have pre-registered for next school year); PRE-K Visitation

■ May 6 — Salmon Celebration

■ May 7, 8, 9 — 6th Grade to Peterson Bay

■ May 13, 14, or 16 — Lynx Track

■ May 20 — PTO Meeting, 4 p.m.

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