Public safety briefs for the week of March 28, 2021

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Alaska State Troopers logo.

Alaska State Troopers logo.

Information for this report was taken from publicly available law enforcement records and contains arrest and citation information. Anyone listed in this report is presumed innocent.

On Mar. 21 at 8:56 p.m., Alaska State Troopers assisted the Department of Corrections Probations Officers during a contact with Matthew Scarito, 39, of Soldotna. Scarito was found in possession of controlled substances. He was arrested for fourth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance and violating probation and was taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility.

On Mar. 20 at 7:08 p.m., Alaska State Troopers conducted a traffic stop in Soldotna. Investigation revealed that the driver, John McCord, 23, of Soldotna, had a revoked license and was on conditions of release from several prior arrests. McCord was arrested for driving while license revoked and violating conditions of release and taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 20 at 10:07 p.m., Alaska State Troopers received a REDDI (Report Every Dangerous Driver Immediately) complaint from a citizen. Troopers located the vehicle in question and contacted the operator, Dylan Rink, 35, of Sterling. Investigation revealed Rink was impaired by controlled substances. He was also on conditions of release from several prior felony and misdemeanor offenses. He was arrested for driving under the influence and violating conditions of release and was taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 20 at about 10:50 p.m., Alaska State Troopers was notified of intentional damage to a USPS mailbox cluster located at the intersection of Holt Lamplight Road and Parsons Road in Nikiski. Troopers discovered several boxes in the cluster had been opened. The investigation is ongoing and AST is coordinating with the United States Postal Inspectors. Articles of mail that were left unsecured were returned to the Nikiski Post Office. If you were affected by this incident, please contact the Nikiski Post Office and AST. Anyone with information about this theft should contact Alaska State Troopers at (907) 262-4453.

On Mar. 19, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an assault at a residence in Kenai. Investigation revealed that Jordan “Brando” Wik, 57, of Kenai, had committed fourth-degree assault ((domestic violence). He was arrested for the assault. During the investigation, troopers observed multiple indicators of drug possession and use involving the occupants of the residence. Troopers detained the occupants, seized the residence, and obtained a search warrant. During a search of the residence, troopers located evidence of controlled substance and weapon violations. The following arrests were made: Jordan “Brando” Wik, 57, of Kenai, on three counts of fourth-degree misconduct involving controlled substances; Laura Little, 27, of Soldotna, on three counts of fourth degree misconduct involving controlled substances; Jack Lyons, 68, of Soldotna, on two counts of fourth-degree misconduct involving controlled substances; Richard Shuravloff, 56, of Kenai, for fifth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance and third-degree misconduct involving a weapon. All four were taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 21 at about 5:40 p.m., Alaska State Troopers responded to a disturbance at a residence off Poppy Wood Street in Soldotna. After investigation revealed that Jarrod Wayne Minkler, 54, of Soldotna, was intoxicated and in contact with a female with whom he has “no contact” conditions and that he also has conditions not to consume alcohol, Minkler was arrested and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility without bail on the charge of violating conditions of release.

On Mar. 21 at 10:14 p.m., Alaska State Troopers contacted John Genter, 31, of Nikiski, as the driver of a vehicle during a traffic stop. Genter was found to be impaired by controlled substance and was arrested for driving under the influence and taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 21 at 10:26 p.m., Alaska State Troopers received a report that Michael Darwin, 36, of Nikiski, had violated a domestic violence protective order. Investigation found Darwin had violated two separate domestic violence protective orders as well as conditions of release in an open criminal court case. Charges were filed in Kenai Court with requests for an arrest warrant.

On Mar. 21 at 4:32 p.m., Alaska State Troopers received a report of an abandoned vehicle at the corner of Rediske Avenue and Rector Street in Nikiski. Investigation revealed that the 2006 Chevy Cobalt belonged to Dalton Driver, 30, of Soldotna, who had an active arrest warrant for failure to appear. He was arrested and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility on $100 cash bail.

On Mar. 18 at 8:57 a.m., Kenai police conducted a routine traffic near Mile 10 of the Kenai Spur Highway. After investigation, Leeta R. Toshavik, 38, of Kenai, was arrested for violating conditions of release and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility.

On Mar. 18 at 6:59 p.m., Kenai police conducted a routine traffic stop on Princess Street. After investigation, Matthew D. Luke, 23, of Nikiski, was arrested on an Alaska State Troopers no bail arrest warrant for violating conditions of release and an additional charge of providing false information and was taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 18 at 7:17 p.m., Kenai police responded to a REDDI (Report Every Dangerous Driver Immediately) report in the area of North Forest Drive and Fifth Avenue and performed a routine traffic stop on the vehicle. After investigation, John R. Peterson, 50, of Soldotna, was issued a summons for driving while license suspended/revoked.

On Mar. 18 at 10:37 p.m., Kenai police responded to the report of a disturbance at a residence off South Tinker Lane. After investigation, Crystal R. Poole, 39, of Kenai, was arrested on an Alaska State Troopers no bail warrant for failure to remand on original charges of reckless driving, an Alaska State Troopers no bail warrant for failure to remand on original charges of driving under the influence, and an additional charge of resisting arrest. Poole was taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 17 at about 8:00 p.m., a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed near the Kenai Spur Highway and Gill Street lost control and went in the ditch. Derrick E. Burlison, 29, of Sterling, was arrested for fourth-degree assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and fourth-degree theft and was taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 17 at 8:57 p.m., Kenai police responded to a report of an assault on Kiana Lane. A male juvenile, 13, of Kenai, was arrested for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence).

On Mar. 16 at 8:02 p.m., Kenai police conducted a traffic stop on Lawton Drive near Linwood Lane. Dalton L. Bush, 29, of Kenai was arrested for driving while license revoked and taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 22 at 1:12 p.m., Alaska State Troopers stopped a vehicle on Motor Way off the Sterling Highway after observing James Taylor, 56, of Ninilchik, driving. Troopers knew Taylor had a revoked license from a prior driving under the influence conviction. Taylor was given a summons to appear and released.

On Mar. 24 at 2:55 a.m., Alaska State Troopers observed a male they believed to be Michael Robinson, 46, of Soldotna, driving a black Jeep in Soldotna. The Jeep was ultimately stopped for a moving violation in Kenai, and the driver and sole occupant was confirmed to be Michael Robinson. Robinson was taken into custody on his outstanding arrest warrant for failing to comply with conditions of probation on an original charge of third-degree assault. During the arrest, Robinson was found to be in possession of a controlled substance. Robinson was taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility on $5,00 bail on the warrant and an additional charge of fifth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance.

On Mar. 24 at about 10:20 a.m., Alaska State Troopers contacted a female Jamie Lee Landt, 29, of Nikiski, in a pickup off Marlene Street in Nikiski. After investigation revealed Landt had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear for arraignment on the original charge of driving while license suspended, she was arrested and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility on $250 bail.

On Mar. 24 at 2:25 p.m., Alaska State Troopers contacted Alan Hughey, Jr., 51, of Sterling, after he drove his Ford Explorer into the ditch on the Sterling Highway at Longmere Way in Sterling. After investigation, Hughey arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol and later taken to Wildwood Pretrial. The vehicle was impounded on scene.

On Mar. 24 at 8:54 p.m., Kenai police responded to an assault off Tern Avenue. Marvin W. Goggia, 57, of Kenai, was arrested for second-degree, third-degree, and fourth-degree assault (domestic violence offenses) and was taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility.

On Mar. 23 at 4:03 p.m., Kenai police arrested Brenda Lee Anderson, 51, of Kenai, on an Alaska State Troopers $150 failure to appear warrant on the original charge of driving while canceled. Anderson was taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 24 at 10:35 p.m., Seward Alaska State Troopers responded to a reported disturbance. After investigation found that Victoria Piro, 21, had physically assaulted a family member, she was arrested for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence) and taken to the Seward Jail without bail.

On Mar. 24 at about 11:10 p.m., Seward Alaska State Troopers received a 911 call reporting that Rickie Rome, 59, of Seward was threatening other occupants of the residence with an axe. After investigation found that Rome had physically assaulted a household family member and threatened his neighbors with an axe he was arrested for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), first-degree harassment, two counts of third-degree assault, and fourth-degree assault and was taken to the Seward Jail without bail.

On Mar. 25 at 11:26 p.m., Alaska State Troopers conducted a traffic stop on a van located near Mile 14 of the Kenai Spur Highway in North Kenai. Investigation revealed the driver, Stephanie Henson, 30, of Kenai, had outstanding warrants for second-degree forgery, second-degree and third-degree theft, and fraudulent use of stolen access device. Henson was arrested and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility without bail.

On Mar. 26 at about 1:50 p.m., Alaska State Troopers stopped a Ford sedan for speeding. After investigation revealed that Cherish O’Clair, 36, of Kenai, was driving while her license was cancelled, was on conditions of release for a prior arrest, and also had an active warrant for her arrest, she was arrested and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility.

On Mar. 27 at 1:48 a.m., Alaska State Troopers conducted a traffic stop for moving violations in Soldotna. After investigation, Piercen J. Sproul, 21, of Soldotna, was arrested for driving under the influence and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility.

On Mar. 27, Alaska State Troopers performed a welfare check on a 2017 Dodge Ram that was parked on the shoulder with its hazard lights on at Mile 18.5 of Kalifornsky Beach Road. After investigation, Coral Holmes, 23, of Kenai, was arrested for driving under the influence and taken to Wildwood Pretrial.

On Mar. 27 at 3:25 a.m., Alaska State Troopers made a traffic stop on a vehicle near Sports Lake Road and the Kenai Spur Highway in Soldotna. After investigation, Neil Marion, 27, of Soldotna, was arrested for driving under the influence and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility.

On Mar. 26at 8:38 p.m., Alaska State Troopers made a traffic stop in Nikiski On the Kenai Spur Highway. After investigation, Gregory Kisor, 56, of Nikiski, was arrested for driving under the influence and taken Wildwood Pretrial.

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