Community members on the lower Kenai Peninsula who are homeless, at risk of becoming houseless or in need of extra support for their daily living situations are invited to attend the annual Community Resource Connect event, returning to Homer and Anchor Point on Tuesday, Jan. 28.
This free, one-day event will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the SPARC in Homer and at the Virl “Pa” Haga VFW Post 10221 in Anchor Point. Free transportation is offered to and from both locations; in Homer, call 907-235-0285 to arrange transportation. For Anchor Point, call 907-756-3321.
Community Resource Connect, sponsored by South Peninsula Hospital and a group of local nonprofit organizations with help from volunteers, occurs annually in conjunction with the Kenai Peninsula Project Homeless Connect and offers a one-stop shop for individuals to gather resources, get connected with assistance and collect necessary supplies.
According to a Jan. 13 press release from SPH, more than 20 vendors will be available to offer supplies including winter gear, comfort packs, backpacks, food-to-go, clothing, sleeping bags, personal hygiene kits and more. Vendors will also offer resources and information related to food, employment, health care, mental health, health screenings, enrollment into local services, and more.
During the course of Tuesday’s event, a “point-in-time” homeless count and data collection will also take place as part of a nationwide point-in-time homeless count. Community Resource Connect in 2024 served more than 140 people in need, the release states.
Through Jan. 24, the Kachemak City Community Center is facilitating a donation drive in advance of the upcoming Community Resource Connect. Drop off donations including gently used clothing, nonperishables and household essentials any time of the day at the center, located at 59906 Bear Creek Drive. Look for the black and yellow tote outside of the center’s main entrance.
Donations are also being accepted at the Cheeky Moose Laundromat, located at 33935 Sterling Highway in Anchor Point.
CRC organizers are also looking for volunteers; if interested, contact Annie Garay, SPH registered nurse and health educator, at Volunteer training will be held on Monday, Jan. 27 from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Find more information online at the Community Resource Connect Facebook page, at or by emailing The SPARC is located at 600 Sterling Highway; the Anchor Point VFW is located at 72551 Milo Fritz Ave.