Around the District

School board to meet

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education meets at 7 p.m. in the borough building at 148 N. Binkley Street in Soldotna (unless otherwise noted). For more information, call 907-714-8888 or visit The agenda and packet items are posted on Wednesday afternoon prior to the date of the Board meeting. Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate at the School Board meetings should contact Debbie Tressler at 907-714-8836 or email no later than three business days before the meeting date. The board will meet:

■ May 4 (at Seward High School);

■ June 1;

■ June 2 (Board planning session).

Holidays and vacation days scheduled

May 20 — Last day of school.

Free Training for High School Students

KPBSD Career and Tech Department is offering free after school academies to train students in the welding, construction and medical field. Listed below are upcoming academies:

There is a welding academy at Nikiski High School. The students will be building a snow machine trailer. Class days will run March 17-May 14, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:30. A summer construction academy will be taking place at the Workforce Development Center (located behind KCHS). Students will be constructing a greenhouse and a shed. Class days will be May 27-30 and June 1-4 from 8 a.m.- 4:0 p.m.

Also offered this summer is an Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT) academy. The academy will be taking place at the Workforce Development Center (located behind KCHS). Academy days will be May 27 – June 5 from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. This course will cover all areas required to receive certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. The last week of class will be for review and the final exam. If you pass the exam you’ll receive your certification and an ETT patch.

Any high school student is able to participate in any of our academies. If a student successfully completes the 60 hour academy they will receive a ½ practical art credit.

To sign up students can see their counselor, call Tiffany Eck at 714-8884.

Connections Home School Program

Dates to remember:

■ 04/30 – Last day to submit Request for Reimbursement

■ 05/02 – Soldotna Safe Kids Kenai Peninsula Water Safety Event

■ 05/06 – Salmon Celebration @ Johnson Lake in Kasilof from 12 a.m.-2 p.m. (more information below)

■ 05/07 Talent Show @ SoHi Auditorium @ 5 p.m.

■ 05/14 – Barren Island Trip

■ 05/18 – second Semester Reports Due

■ 05/21 – Connections Graduation @ Soldotna High School 4 p.m. (practice @ 2 -3:30 p.m.)

APRIL: Re-Enrollment for 2015/2016 School Year Starts – Please call your Connections Office to make an appointment.

Upcoming events:

■ Johnson Lake Salmon Celebration May 6 12 -2 : On Wednesday, May 6, 2015 the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Sport Fish Division, will be holding the 15th annual “Salmon Celebration” in Kasilof at the Johnson Lake State Campground. Connections families are welcome from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. This Salmon Celebration is being held to increase student awareness of salmon and to foster a sense of stewardship towards this valuable natural resource. The “Salmon Celebration” will be open to all K-6 grade students from the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. This year Elementary school children will able to release rainbow trout catchables from the William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery as part of ADF&G’s lake stocking program between 12-1 p.m. a separate activity/station. Hands-on salmon related activity booths (catch and release, face painting, salmon wheel of misfortune, watershed model, salmon life cycle, macroinvertebrate touch tank, animal tracks, mammal skulls and skins, water safety, water quality tests, juvenile & adult salmon identification, practice spin casting and fly casting, etc.) will be set up for the students to visit during the event. It takes about 1 1/2 – 2 hours to do all the activities. Great lunch locations can be found throughout the campground.

Interior Distance Education Alaska

Now enrolling for the 2015-2016 school year. Please go to and click enroll now to register. It is also time to re-enroll for our existing families. Please look up your re-enrollment passwords and ID that was sent to your IDEA families webmail. As always, please feel free to stop by the office in the Red Diamond Center to look at our resource room, library or speak with a contact teacher. We are here to serve you as you educate your children.

Upcoming events

April 20 – May 15 – STAR Early Literacy – In addition to AMP testing, the STAR early literacy is a state mandated test for students grades K-2nd.

This is a helpful tool that will be conducted at the IDEA office on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays during the dates April 20-May 15. Your contact teacher will call you to set up an appointment. This is a computer based test that will generate results while you are in the office. Parents are welcome to stay in the room while their children are testing.

■ April 29 – Curriculum Fair at Kalifonsky Christian Center.

The Fair with all its workshops and vendor exhibitions are free to all IDEA families. Come early on Wednesday before the exhibit hall opens and enjoy our keynote speaker and breakfast. Tickets must be purchased in advance for this fair opener.

If you have a friend or neighbor that is in not in IDEA, but interested in homeschooling, you can bring them with you and they can get in for only half price by purchasing a Buddy Pass. Just remember, in order for you to spend your next year’s allotment at the fair, you must be enrolled for the 2015/2016 school year, so take care of your re-enrollments soon.

You may visit for workshop schedules, floorplans, vendor lists and more.

Breakfast tickets are on sale now for $12 at the IDEA office. “Time and Home Management – Managing Life and Home While Homeschooling”.

Our keynote speaker is Nancy Bjorkman. Nancy began as the ultimate homeschool skeptic, but now, after 20 plus years teaching her own four children she has become the resource and information lady for many and a champion of the cause. She is a certified teacher and has spoken at homeschool conferences in 10 states.

■ May 5 – Come celebrate your graduate locally on May 5 at Kalifonsky Christian Center at 7 p.m. This is for all Region K students who are graduating in 2015. Students are invited to share memories and thank you’s. Can you join us? Please sign up online.

■ May 8 – Homer activity day. the STAR Early Literacy assessments for grades K-2nd. Please call Adele for a time slot.

Next activity on that same day include an Islands and Oceans Estuary Walk from 10:30-11:30 and a tour of fishing boats from 1-3 p.m.

■ May 14 – IDEA’s annual track meet at Skyview track. We will meet at 4 p.m. for our track events. This is an event for all ages, including parents. We normally end around 6 p.m. There is no need to sign up, just come.

■ May 22-23 – Peterson Bay Overnight Tidepooling trip. We will board a guided boat on the 22 and look at tidepools all day with a marine biologist. The area is rich with wildlife, including sea stars, octopus, sea otters, and more. We then will spend the night in heated yurts located near the field station. There is a campfire pit and an outdoor meeting area. We will head back to Homer in the morning and be back about 10 a.m. on the 23. The cost for this overnight, guided field trip is $110 per person. The cost can be deducted from your allotment for the student portion.

Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science

Monday, April 27

■ 9:30 a.m. A.L.I.C.E. Training with KPD

■ 2 p.m. Mrs. Hurst’s and Mrs. Stephens’ classes will go on an overnight “Being There Experience” at the Sealife Center in Seward. Information was sent home in Friday folders.

Tuesday, April 28

■ 9:20 a.m. Ms. Maguire’s Class will go on a walking trip to Charis Place.

■ 2 p.m. Mrs. Stroh’s and Mrs. Harper’s classes will go on an overnight “Being There Experience” at the Sealife Center in Seward. Information was sent home in Friday folders.

Wednesday, April 29

■ 9:15 a.m. PTA meeting in the art room

■ 2 p.m. Mrs. Darch’s and Miss Maguire’s classes will go on an overnight “Being There Experience” at the Sealife Center in Seward. Information was sent home in Friday folders.

Friday, May 1

■ Early Release – School ends at 2:10 p.m. Six days throughout the academic year, students will meet the minimum day requirement, leaving teachers with approximately ninety minutes of additional time for planning/training. The length of the school day will be reduced by ninety minutes, for a total of nine hours during the 2014-2015 school year. On these early release dates, school will end ninety minutes (1.5 hours) earlier. Bus transportation will be adjusted by ninety minutes.

Mark your calendars

■ May 5 7 p.m. – Spring concert for Hurst’s, Harper’s & Stephens’ classes

■ May 6 8 a.m. – Kindergarteners go to Homer’s Bishop Beach

■ May 7 6 p.m. – Band concert at KSAS

■ May 11 4 p.m. – APC meeting

■ May 11 & 12 – Bike Rodeo (first – sixth grade)

■ May 13 7 a.m. – 2nd graders go to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center and at 9:30 a.m. 1st graders will visit the Wildlife Refuge in Soldotna

■ May 15 at 6 p.m. – End-of-Year BBQ.

■ May 19 at 5:30 p.m. – Mrs. Harper’s, Mrs. Hurst’s and Mrs. Stephen’s classes will meet at the Kenai Park

■ May 20 Last day of school for students


■ The school website at provides you with newsletters, lunch menus, the school calendar, PTA and APC information, plus more.

■ The Life Skill we are focusing on this week is Truthfulness: To be honest about things and feelings with oneself and others.

Kalifornsky Beach Elementary

K-Beach students are on the Race for Recess. Please clip and send in your Box Tops for Education. Classes who bring in 250 Box Tops by May 8th will win an extra recess.

Mr. Daniels’s class has a table with all sorts of rocks and minerals to explore. There are rock test kits available too. These test kits allow the students to conduct tests including streak test, acid test (guided), luster test, color, and hardness tests. Our question in science is, ‘How does water change the Earth?’ We will be making stream tables in groups this week to explore this question.

■ April 27 – May 1: The book fair will be held in the library from 7:30 a.m. to 3p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday. Parent volunteers are needed. Please contact Heather Stockton if you are interested in helping out.

■ May 1: Early Release Day – School will let out at 12:55 p.m. The Volunteer Appreciation assembly will be held at 8 a.m. in the K-Beach gym.

Kenai Central

KPBSD Career and Tech Department is offering free after school academies to train students in the welding, construction and medical field. Listed below is an upcoming academy.

A summer construction academy will be taking place at the Workforce Development Center (located behind KCHS). Students will be constructing a greenhouse and a shed. Class days will be May 27-30 and June 1-4 from 8 4 p.m.

Local Veterans of Foreign Wars will be visiting History classes at Kenai Central High School on April 30. Veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq share their experiences with sophomore and junior students. The men have given many sacrifices to our great country, and the students are very excited to take things they’ve learned from their classroom and to hear about real stories and experiences.

Congratulations to March’s Student of the Month. Rotary – Nyqolle Van De Grift, Chamber – Brandon Sorhus, Elks – Mariah Schloeman, Super Staffer – Simon Nissen, Kard of the Deck – Dai-Ana Smith, Geometry – Kassandra Lindsley, Mr. Nyquist Pre-Calculus – Johnathan Nash, Mr. Calvert, Study Skills – Alex Chipman, Ms. Worley Physical Science – Alexis Baker, Mr. Armstrong, Culinary Arts – Brandon Waara, Mrs. Sims World History – Tim Ticknor, Mr. Zorbas, Physical Training – Ireland Gillis, Mr. Baker Calculus – Dezmond Ticknor, Mrs. Herring, Anatomy & Physiology – Alexis Koroll, Mrs. Davis LA 11 – Kayla White, Mr. Cater, LA 9 – Daniel Lervold, Mr. Baskin Spanish – Donalen Bowers, Mr. Moss, Performing Arts/Piano – Wren Norwood, Mr. Nissen Health – Mayzie Potton, Ms. Rustad AP World History – Attison Machen-Gray, Mr. Settlemyer.

This Week’s Events

■ Tuesday: Soccer vs Homer 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

■ Thursday: Softball vs Soldotna 4p.m. and 6p.m.

Kenai Middle

Sixth Grade Soccer has been rescheduled. It begins today and will continue through May 8. There is no cost for 6th grade soccer however all students must turn in a completed sports packet prior to participating.

■ On April 28 Intermediate and Concert Band members will participate in Mass band in Homer. Information is available on Powerschool or in the office. Students will depart promptly at 6:45 a.m. and should return to KMS by 10 p.m.

■ On April 30 the Spring Choir Concert will be held at the KCHS Auditorium at 7 p.m.

■ May 1 is an early release day. The school day will end at 12:57 p.m. Buses will accommodate the early release time with no disruption to the normal schedule. There is a track meet at SMS. Be sure to head out to support your speedy Kossacks if you are able. Students will also select their mini courses on this day. It’s an exciting time that indicates the end of the school year is upon us.

Lastly, thank you for your support and for making sure your students were prepared for AMP test taking. To acknowledge the success of all KMS students we will host an End of Testing Celebration Dance and Mini Activity night.

Keep calm and remember, less than 4 weeks to go.

Nikiski North Star Elementary

NNS is accepting parent input requests of student placement for the 2015 – 2016 school year. As a parent this is your opportunity to give your thoughts to this process. Students will be placed after a thorough process that starts with input from you. You will not be able to make any requests in the fall once class lists are posted prior to the start of school in August. We appreciate any and all information you can give us. Your child’s current teacher will be very involved in placing your child once we have an idea of what next year will look like. These forms can be obtained in our monthly newsletter or from the office and are due back to the office by Friday, May 8. If you have any questions, please call the school at 776-2600.

■ Step Up Night for parents of fifth grade students will be Monday April 27 at 6 p.m. in the Nikiski Middle High School library. This will be an informative meeting for parents about what to expect as their child enters 6th grade at NMHS next school year.

■ On April 28 the fifth graders will tour NMHS. At this time they will learn about the school, be introduced to staff members, have a tour of the school and have lunch. Please call the school if you need more information.

■ May 1 is our last early release day for this school year. NNS will dismiss at 2 p.m.

Mountain View Elementary

We are accepting pre-orders for the yearbook. Yearbooks are $18 each and will be available before school ends. Order forms were sent home and can also be found at the office.

On Tuesday, April 28 the fourth-fifth grade will have a Spring Concert at 6 p.m. in the KCHS auditorium.

Parent input forms for student placement for the 2015-2016 school year are available now at the office. Your thoughts regarding your students strengths and needs is extremely helpful in developing classroom assignments. For parent input to be considered in the placement process this form needs to be returned to the office no later than Friday, May 1.

■ May 6 the Kindergarten Spring Concert will be at 2 p.m. in the gym at Mountain View. National School Nurses Day is May 6.

Attention all 1st and 2nd graders mark your calendars, it is Bike Rodeo time.

■ May 7 will be Bicycle Safety Instruction in the classroom. The Kenai Police Department will send an officer to teach and instruct students on Safe Bicycle Tips.

■ May 8 students may bring their bicycle and helmet to school and ride the obstacle course. Students will also be able to have their bicycle checked and registered with a sticker. Outgrown or don’t have a helmet? No worries.

Helmets can be purchased for $5 and will be personally fitted for students thanks to Safe Kids through Central Peninsula Hospital. Get ready for fun. If you would like to help with the bike rodeo, please call the office at 283-8600.

National Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4-8. The Mountain View PTA is providing lunch for the staff every day of the week. If you would like to help by bringing some food please call Traci at 953-3779 or the office at 283-8600.

■ May 12 the PTA will have their final meeting for the school year at 3:45 p.m. in the Library.

Redoubt Elementary

Skyview Middle School Visitation, May 8, 10 — 11:15 a.m.

Redoubt’s sixth grade students will be visiting Skyview Middle School in preparation for next fall. Students will be transported by bus. All students must have a signed permission slip in order to attend this presentation. Additional information on this visitation will be sent home with students.

Box Top winners last week – Hannah Burton, Ella Buttler & Decader Bird. Keep turning in those Box Tops for Education.

■ Scholastic Book Fair – BOGO – April 27 – May 1. Buy one book get one book free. Additional information will be sent home with students.

■ Redoubt Bike Rodeo – Thursday, May 7 at 4:30 p.m. Bike tune-ups, safety checks, tire pressure, hand brakes, chains, seat checks and helmets. Bring the whole family. Free – snacks and drinks. Bike helmets will be available to purchase for $5. All students should be accompanied by an adult.

■ PTA – May 1 at 3:45 p.m. staff lounge, child care available. The term of our current PTA president, vice president and secretary are ending this year. If you are interested in one of these officer positions please contact Angie Kenner at Elections to elect new officers for next fall will be held at the May 12 meeting. All members in attendance at the May 12th meeting will be entered to win a $25.00 gift card from Fred Meyers. Hope to see you there.

Field trip season is just around the corner. All parent drivers, chaperones and classroom volunteers must be registered and approved by the school district. Please make sure that your current vehicle and driver information is on file in the school office. Typically, vehicle insurance expires every six months. A new application must be submitted each school year. Please call the school office if you have any questions about this process. Please do not wait until the last minute to register. We ask that all paperwork and registrations be done at least two days prior to the day of the field trip.

■ May 1 – Principals Day

■ May 4 – 8 – School Nutrition Employee Appreciation Week

■ May 4 – 8 – National Teacher Appreciation Week

■ May 6 – National School Nurse’s Day

Yearbooks are on Sale – $15

■ Early Release Day – May 1st at 1:45 p.m.

Soldotna High School

The Soldotna High School SkillsUSA Chapter has been given a number of mailboxes to use as a fund raiser, they are brand new. You can donate or “make an offer.” You can pay the bookkeeper at SoHi in the front office if you would like a receipt. If you have any questions, you can call Doug Gordon at 260-7051 or email

■ On April 29, Soldotna High School will be holding its second annual Decision Day event. Here at SoHi, Decision Day is a day meant to celebrate and recognize those seniors who have worked hard and made a decision to pursue education after high school including the military, vocational/career school, 2-year/4-year colleges, and registered apprenticeships. Seniors invited to the event will receive a free t-shirt and attend an ice-cream social where they will be presented with information on the next steps for transitioning from high school to post-secondary education.

■ Graduation will be on May 19 at 7 p.m. at the Sports Center. Students will be issued 5 tickets for the floor, however the upper level is general admission. The upper area is excellent for taking pictures. Tickets will be given out during graduation practice to students. Appropriate attire under gowns is required. Questions can be sent to lead advisor, Meggean Bos, at

■ Graduation practice will be on May 19 at 10 a.m. at the Soldotna Sports Complex. Practice is mandatory to be able to walk. Any students or parents who would like to setup on May 18 at 1 p.m. or May 19 at 1 p.m. are asked to contact lead advisor, Meggean Bos, at

The Media Center is open until 5pm Monday-Friday. There are buses at 4:15 p.m. for those students working in the Media Center. If your student were to stay after school and would need a bus home at 4:15 p.m. please contact Tamra Wear at 260.7036 or to give her the bus drop off location for your student.

Soldotna Prep

Andrew Winslow is our April Chamber Student of the Month

Early Release Day, Friday, May 1, 2015.

Tutoring Monday through Friday in room 10 during the lunch hour Chess Club meets during lunch hour Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in room 18.

After-School Tutoring Monday through Thursday 2:25-3:25 p.m. Girls soccer practice @ SoHi 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Baseball conditioning 2:45-5 p.m. in Small Gym SOPREP Tuesday through Thursday.

Native Youth Leadership Club in room 10 from 2:15-3 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of every month.

Poetry Out Loud meetings in room 10 from 2:15-3 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of every month.

Tustumena Elementary

■ May 1 – Early Release, 2:05 p.m.

■ May 6 – Kindergarten Visit for those pre-registered for 2015-16 school year

■ May 6 – Salmon Celebration 10-2

■ May 6 and 7 – Sixth Grade to Peterson Bay

■ May 8 – Sixth Grade visits Skyview Middle School

More in News

Anchor River floods again

A ice dam on the Anchor River caused another flooding incident on Monday.

Marty Askin and Brian Gabriel inspect a displayed model of a traditional Dena’ina home called a nichil during the grand reopening of the cultural center at the Kenai Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center in Kenai, Alaska, on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Kenai visitor center revitalizes peninsula’s ‘rich history’

The vision for the space describes monthly rotation of exhibits and a speaker series.

The entrance to the Kenai Police Department, as seen in Kenai, Alaska, on April 1, 2020. (Photo by Brian Mazurek/Peninsula Clarion)
Kenai man arrested after allegedly aiming shotgun into traffic

Multiple parents who were dropping children at nearby Mountain View Elementary reported the man, police said.

Seward Deputy Fire Chief Katherine McCoy stands for a photo with Seward Fire Chief Clinton Crites and Assistant State Fire Marshal Mark Brauneis after McCoy was presented the 2024 Ken Akerley Fire Service Leadership Award at Seward Fire Department in Seward, Alaska. (Photo provided by Seward Fire Chief Clinton Crites)
Seward deputy fire chief earns state leadership award

Katherine McCoy this month received the 2024 Ken Akerley Fire Service Leadership Award.

Bill Elam speaks during a meeting of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly in Soldotna, Alaska, on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Elam prepares for freshman legislative session

He’s excited to get onto the floor and start legislating.

Sen. Jesse Bjorkman, a Nikiski Republican, speaks in favor of overriding a veto of Senate Bill 140 during floor debate of a joint session of the Alaska State Legislature on Monday, March 18, 2024 (Mark Sabbatini / Juneau Empire)
Bjorkman readies for start of legislative session

His priorities this year won’t look much different from those of his freshman legislative session.

Tim Daugharty speaks during a meeting of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education in Soldotna, Alaska, on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
KPBSD launches conversation on $17 million deficit

The district says overcoming the deficit without heavy cuts would require a substantial increase to the BSA.

Member Jordan Chilson speaks in support of an ordinance that would establish a residential property tax exemption during a meeting of the Soldotna City Council in Soldotna, Alaska, on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Soldotna defines legislative priorities for upcoming session

Roof replacement, signalization study and road improvements top the list.

The sign in front of the Homer Electric Association building in Kenai, Alaska as seen on April 1, 2020. (Photo by Brian Mazurek/Peninsula Clarion)
HEA extends contract with Enstar

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