Food preservation resources
It is 8 p.m., you are ready to start canning fish but can’t find your Cooperative Extension Service publication, “Canning the Catch.” And what, the Extension Office isn’t open 24/7 during canning season? There is reliable food preservation information available right at your fingertips, even at 8 p.m.
Our free food preservation publications can be found at . Just enter a word search and then scroll down to find the appropriate title for the information you are seeking.
It’s very important to remember to have your pressure canner dial gauge tested before using it. We offer free testing every weekday from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in our Extension Office at 43961 Kalifornsky Beach Road, Suite A in Soldotna. For more information call us at 907-262-5824.
Submitted by Linda Tannehill, UAF School of Natural Resources and Extension; Health, Home and Family Development, Kenai Peninsula District.