Another hit for Triumvirate North

Joe Rizzo and the Triumvirate North theater crew have done it again. Joe is responsible for so much wonderful song and dance and drama performed on the central Kenai Peninsula. We moved here ten years ago from rural Alaska, and time and again I have loved seeing young people experiencing the thrill of performing in front of a real live audience.

The October 7 opening night of “Jungle Book” was a visual and auditory feast for the audience, while dozens of energetic youth sang and danced their way through the well-known story. It was not the Disney version, but the “Bear Necessities” were covered. Fortunately for the community, the cast is offering three more performances on October 14 and 15. The six kids who created Kaa the snake were mesmerizing, and who knew a whole herd of elephants could fit on that stage?! Monkeys, vultures, wolves, a panther, a tiger and bear all added their special talents. It is great to see kids involved in such a fun, positive activity that adds joy to the hearts of those lucky enough to be in the audience. The stained glass panel in the lobby of the theater and the overhead fixture in the auditorium are memorable treats. And, yes, I did read every ad in the program and I will definitely support the businesses who support Triumvirate North and the character-building activities of dramatic productions on the Kenai. Great job, kids! You, too, Joe and crew! Oh, and supportive parents and other adults who obviously got the kids to all their practice sessions and rehearsals — good for you!